Did Seinfeld ruin Dolores?

My late grandmother’s name was [name]Dolores[/name] and I would love to honor her by naming by baby girl after her. BUT, do you guys remember the Seinfeld episode where [name]Jerry[/name]'s girlfriend has a name that “rhymed with a part of the female anatomy” and it was [name]Dolores[/name]?? [name]Do[/name] you think this ruined the name? [name]Will[/name] people even remember the episode? Thanks!

Since Seinfeld is still in syndication, I don’t think the female body part association is going away any time soon. Also, [name]Dolores[/name] means pains in Spanish - another good reason not to use the name. If honoring your grandmother is important to you maybe you could use [name]Dora[/name], [name]Lora[/name], [name]Dori[/name], or [name]Dorian[/name] instead or her middle name or initials.

Well, [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] didn’t help [name]Dolores[/name] any either.

I still have positive connotations for [name]Dolores[/name] though. Yes, it means sorrows, but it’s an appellation for [name]Mary[/name] – [name]Mary[/name] of the Sorrows – which refers to the Pieta, which is beautiful. It was the name of a gorgeous film star who is currently an abbess at the only convent left in Connecticut, [name]Dolores[/name] del [name]Rio[/name]. You can also use [name]Lola[/name] as a nn.

I couldnt remember the connection and I watched Seinfeld, my husband said he remembers but he doesnt think its a big deal.

I think [name]Dolores[/name] has a lovely sound to it and obviously a lot of meaning for you. Maybe if you’re worried about the Seinfeld thing you could use a variant.
[name]Delora[/name] is my personal favourite

It is definitely the 1st thing I think of! :frowning:

But in other news, I was obsessed with the name [name]Lola[/name] (which my husband vetoed) and it is supposedly derived from [name]Delores[/name]… so this could be a beautiful option too.

[name]Lola[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is so cute. :slight_smile:

There are plenty of names with bad associations. I happen to not love the name [name]Dolores[/name], yet it’s still a solid name. It does sound like an old lady name which is very popular right now (emma, olivia, audrey, sophia etc.). Your name is fit with [name]Alice[/name], [name]Edith[/name] and [name]Florence[/name] to my ears.

My grandma’s name was also [name]Dolores[/name] and I think it’s horrible. However, I love [name]Lola[/name]. I think it’s a great way to honor her without the negative meanings of the name [name]Dolores[/name]. [name]Lora[/name] is also cute.

I really like [name]Dolores[/name] with nn [name]Dolly[/name] and it was on the short list when I was pregnant. I also might be the only adult human that has never seen Seinfeld! I think it’s such a pretty name and Seinfeld is far in the past at this point. No one her age would have seen it.

Nope, but [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] did.
[name]Dolores[/name] Umbridge is a character that’s hated even more than [name]Lord[/name] Voldemort by some.

Exactly what I thought when I saw this post. Ruined for me, Ms Umbridge was evil.

Sadly can’t remember the episode, so I don’t think it should be a problem. [name]Love[/name] the nns [name]Lola[/name] and [name]Dolly[/name] too.

I remember the episode and don’t think it’s a huge deal. To me, the name doesn’t even actually rhyme with the body part she was going for - I think this was part of the point. I mean part of the point was [name]Jerry[/name] didn’t know his anatomy, I guess, but also I think it was supposed to be hard to think of because it wasn’t a true rhyme. I suspect this is partly accent/dialect as I have read some people say it is a true rhyme, but it really isn’t to me.

Anyway, I say no, ultimately, especially as I think Seinfeld won’t be nearly as big a thing for the current generations of children. The HP reference I was unaware of but I’d say it’s a bigger concern, along with the fact that it’s still an old lady name that’s not exactly revived yet.

To me it seems like a perfect choice for a middle name position.

Good luck!!

I would think more people would remember “Mulva” — considering that name was the running joke for most of the episode. You only find out that her name is [name]Dolores[/name] later on.

I wouldn’t let Seinfeld or [name]Harry[/name] potter stand in the way of naming your bub a name that you love! I’m due in a few days and weve decided on [name]Lola[/name] if it is a girl. We’ve cast aside the ‘sorrows’ connection as irrelevant to our lives. Good luck

Hmm … I don’t mind [name]Dolores[/name] in of itself, but [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] definitely did not do it any favours. I would steer clear, personally. Maybe as an mn?

I am not sure about seinfeld because I have never watched it but in the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] series the [name]Dolores[/name] Umbridge character does NOT give the name positive associations. She was- well evil would be the word. But I am not really a fan of the name but the nicknames [name]Dolly[/name] and [name]Lola[/name] are absoloutely adorable! I highly doubt anyone would remember [name]ONE[/name] specific episode so good luck :slight_smile:

Ha ha to the poster who wrote about Mulva - I also remember [name]Celeste[/name] being one of the guesses!

I’ve seen a ton of Seinfeld but clearly I missed this episode or it wasn’t remarkable to me. I’ve seen and read all the HP’s but for the life of me I could not remember that it was Umbridge’s fn. It’s no [name]Minerva[/name] or [name]Bellatrix[/name].

Honestly, I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the name and if it’s sentimental and works for you then just use it.

[name]Lourdes[/name] instead of [name]Dolores[/name] could work. I adore [name]Dolly[/name] and [name]Lola[/name] but I think they’re too far from the original name in sound (I prefer [name]Dolly[/name] as a nn for [name]Dahlia[/name] and [name]Lola[/name] as just [name]Lola[/name]).


˙·٠•”:heart: [name]Poppy[/name]