Difficult last name

My last name is Cox. Kids can be cruel. I need a boy’s name that cannot be combined with Cox that would create an awful nickname that he would have to face in the future. Some things to keep in mind as you help me…
The middle name is going to be [name]Timothy[/name]
I already have a son named [name]Ryan[/name] [name]Michael[/name]
I don’t think that names that end in the c/k sound go well with Cox.

Okay…let’s see if we can help you! [name]Ryan[/name] is a common name, so I’m going to assume that you’re not bothered by popularity. Some of the names I’ll suggest are quite popular. (I tried to “put my mind in the gutter” to catch some potential jokes, if I missed something I’m sorry, but hopefully someone else will catch it!)

[name]Ryan[/name] [name]Michael[/name] Cox and …

[name]Jackson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (unless you plan to use the nn [name]Jack[/name]…)
[name]Ethan[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Xavier[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Cameron[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Aaron[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Simon[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Roman[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Edward[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (I love the nn [name]Ward[/name])
[name]Julian[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (nn [name]Jude[/name])
[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Joshua[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Liam[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Reese[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Elijah[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (though initials are E.T. or etc)
[name]Seth[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (I like more than 1 syllable up front, though)
[name]Adrian[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Jameson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Calvin[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Garrett[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Bennett[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Clayton[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (double T- not the best)
[name]Dawson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Declan[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Nolan[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox

Names I found while looking that I would definitley stay away from:
[name]Henry[/name] (nn [name]Harry[/name])
[name]Richard[/name] (nn [name]Dick[/name])
[name]Hugh[/name] (looks like Huge…)
[name]John[/name] (maybe toilet jokes would happen?)
[name]Dane[/name] (sounds close to [name]Dane[/name] Cook)
[name]Patrick[/name] ([name]Pat[/name] Cox just doesn’t work for me)
[name]Owen[/name] (sounds like you Owe someone something…)
[name]Milo[/name] (My Low? I’m trying to think like a middle schooler…)
[name]Oliver[/name] (could sound like “all over”)
[name]Callum[/name] (“call him”)
[name]Felix[/name] (“feel” and “licks”)
[name]Finlay[/name] (ends with “lay”)
[name]Phillip[/name] (“full of” or “feel up”)

We know a girl named [name]Alexandra[/name] Cox nn [name]Alex[/name] Cox. I don’t remember hearing that anyone ever made fun of her. The name [name]Alex[/name] has the same hard “c” and “x” sounds that Cox has and so [name]Alex[/name] takes one’s mind off the name Cox. I have a theory that if you have a difficult last name, you should put a first name with it that has similar sounds to mask it.

We know a girl named [name]Alexandra[/name] Cox nn [name]Alex[/name] Cox. I don’t remember hearing that anyone ever made fun of her. The name [name]Alex[/name] has the same hard “c” and “x” sounds that Cox has and so [name]Alex[/name] takes one’s mind off the name Cox. I have a theory that if you have a difficult last name, you should put a first name with it that has similar sounds to mask it.[/quote]

That’s a good idea! :slight_smile:
I have a friend who’s maiden name was [name]Dick[/name]… I think Cox is tons better than that. In case this makes you feel better :slight_smile:
Also, kids can turn [name]JUST[/name] ABOUT EVERYTHING into something that can get made fun of. Some kids can handle it well, and others can’t. My maiden name was another one that people could just run with. It is SUPER Italian and sort of sounds like Mozzarella or Maserati. So just think of all the cars and cheese names we got :slight_smile: (No joke we even lived on a street with a cheese name) I took all the “joking” really well, but my brother had a hard time with it… I think if a kid wants to pick on you…they’ll find something. Whether or not your name is Cox, Or sounds like a cheese… :slight_smile:

One of my staff has this surname, and I don’t think she’s had any stick over it (although I imagine boys might more than girls would). [name]Reading[/name] through [name]Susan[/name]'s (great) list, the ones that stood out to me either had a simple sound (in the same way that [name]Ryan[/name] does) or were quite unusual, and both worked to sort of distract from the last name. For example, I thought [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Xavier[/name] worked well for these two reasons. Some other ideas from the two types:

[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Dylan[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Lewis[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Alistair[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Hayden[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Mason[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Tyler[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox

[name]Benedict[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Bodhi[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Damian[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Zander[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox

[name]Hope[/name] that’s useful in some way!

We know a girl named [name]Alexandra[/name] Cox nn [name]Alex[/name] Cox. I don’t remember hearing that anyone ever made fun of her. The name [name]Alex[/name] has the same hard “c” and “x” sounds that Cox has and so [name]Alex[/name] takes one’s mind off the name Cox. I have a theory that if you have a difficult last name, you should put a first name with it that has similar sounds to mask it.[/quote]

So for a boy, I recommend [name]Alexander[/name] nn [name]Alex[/name] Cox.

I’m wondering if [name]Alex[/name] Cox actually emphasizes the x in Cox, making the last name Cox stand out. Hmm…It’s so interesting how we all hear different things when we say names out loud!

I didn’t look at the previous suggestions, because I think it’s important to see shared opinions in this case. I think that first names with K sounds draw attention to Cox, while first names without a K sound even everything out.

Names I think work well with Cox:

[name]David[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Julian[/name] Cox (not the best with [name]Timothy[/name])
[name]Nathaniel[/name] Cox (not the best with [name]Timothy[/name], though)

Good luck! :slight_smile:

The only name that comes to mind is from a TV show, where a character’s name is [name]Percival[/name] “[name]Perry[/name]” Cox. I actually really like this combination!

Thank you so much everyone! I love this! Keep them coming and thanks for putting your minds in the gutter to help avoid him being made fun of. :slight_smile: Some other names I’m staying away from…if you really think about them…[name]Aidan[/name] and [name]Landon[/name]. :slight_smile: Like I said, keep them coming! :slight_smile:

That’s funny, [name]Jill[/name]. Maybe I’m so used to a gorgeous high school girl named [name]Alex[/name] Cox that the name just seems normal. She had the most beautiful Spanish house, too, and came wafting down the stairs in her prom dress.
But you are probably right.
I love your idea of [name]Daniel[/name] Cox. I am in love with the name [name]Daniel[/name] even though it’s so popular in [name]California[/name]. I wish my husband’s name were [name]Daniel[/name]. But I asked him if he would be a [name]Daniel[/name] or a [name]Dan[/name], and he said [name]Dan[/name]. I don’t like [name]Dan[/name] as well, although I just love, love, [name]LOVE[/name] Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name] in [name]Forest[/name] Gump.

That’s funny, [name]Jill[/name]. Maybe I’m so used to a gorgeous high school girl named [name]Alex[/name] Cox that the name just seems normal. She had the most beautiful Spanish house, too, and came wafting down the stairs in her prom dress.
But you are probably right.
I love your idea of [name]Daniel[/name] Cox. I am in love with the name [name]Daniel[/name] even though it’s so popular in [name]California[/name]. I wish my husband’s name were [name]Daniel[/name]. But I asked him if he would be a [name]Daniel[/name] or a [name]Dan[/name], and he said [name]Dan[/name]. I don’t like [name]Dan[/name] as well, although I just love, love, [name]LOVE[/name] Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name] in [name]Forest[/name] Gump.[/quote]

haha! I love Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name]! My friend works for CSI:NY so I toured the set and saw [name]Gary[/name] Sinise! I have a hard time calling him that instead of Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name]! He also has a band called " The Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name] Band"

My husband’s name is [name]Daniel[/name]. I call him [name]Dan[/name], though. I do find it boring, but it really works as a middle name, so that’s really nice! His whole family calls him “[name]Danny[/name]” but its just wierd to me. One time I asked him why we (me and his friends) call him [name]Dan[/name] instead of [name]Danny[/name]. He said it was all because of me. I don’t remember this, but apparently when we met he introduced himself as “[name]Danny[/name]” and I responded with "No, you seem more like a “[name]Dan[/name]”. That’s so not me! I couldn’t believe I actually said that and don’t remember it! LOL…so, now he’s [name]Dan[/name] :slight_smile:

Haha…[name]Susan[/name], you crack me up! Lieutenant [name]Dan[/name] is awesome! I can hear [name]Forrest[/name] now: “Lieutenant Daaah-uhn!” :slight_smile:

[name]Rica[/name] Ricette, your tour sounds exciting!

I was actually thinking about the [name]Alex[/name] Cox combo last night, and I realized that I was hearing [name]Alec[/name]'s Cox, which may be why the last name of Cox felt emphasized to me. :slight_smile:

Have a great day!

Did you like any of the names already thrown out there? Let’s see if I can put my “naughty hat” on and think of some more. Sorry if I repeat myself…I can’t remember what was all suggested already!
[name]Ryan[/name] [name]Michael[/name] Cox and …

[name]Jasper[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Hayden[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Maxfield[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Charles[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Oscar[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Jonah[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Hudson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Wyatt[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Finnian[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Jefferson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Dawson[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Weston[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Riley[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]August[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Devlin[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Brandon[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Brennon[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Chandler[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox

Ones that made my “naughty hat” light up when next to Cox:
[name]Harrison[/name] (nn [name]Harry[/name])
[name]Ashton[/name] (“butt load”?)
[name]Becker[/name] (sounds like another slang word)

Your second list cracked me up!
I love [name]Sullivan[/name] Cox. And I still love [name]Daniel[/name] Cox. They both have an “l” sound. What about [name]Lionel[/name] Cox? nn [name]Leo[/name] Cox?

This IS tough! Hmm…(My apologies for repeats):

[name]Charles[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox ([name]Charles[/name] Cox is a bit blunt, but I love the [name]Charlie[/name] nickname)
[name]Edward[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (close to [name]Ed[/name] Koch, former NYC mayor, though)
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (not the best flow)
[name]Julian[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Liam[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Leo[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (sounds like the actor [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Fox[/name], though)
[name]Samuel[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox
[name]Xavier[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] Cox (but does this sound like “save your cox?” Hmm…)

I’ll put my no-no’s here (my apologies for repeats):

[name]Arlo[/name] Cox (our low…)
[name]Asher[/name] Cox (a$$ or Cox)
[name]Abel[/name] Cox
[name]Hugo[/name] Cox (reminds me of huge)
[name]Felix[/name] Cox (licks…)
[name]Gabriel[/name] Cox ([name]Gabe[/name] Cox reminds me of [name]Gay[/name] Cox)
[name]Philip[/name] Cox
[name]Roman[/name] Cox
[name]Wilder[/name] Cox

Have you found anything you like?

Best wishes to you!

Your second list cracked me up!
I love [name]Sullivan[/name] Cox. And I still love [name]Daniel[/name] Cox. They both have an “l” sound. What about [name]Lionel[/name] Cox? nn [name]Leo[/name] Cox?[/quote]

:slight_smile: I sorta felt guilty because that was a lot of fun!