Wanted to get your HONEST opinion on this name. I typically like traditional, classic boys names like [name]James[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Luke[/name] because they sound dignified and age well, but for one reason or another (DH, relatives already using name, doesn’t go with last name, etc.), am not able to use one. So I’ve been searching for an alternative name and so far had only come up with [name]Miles[/name]. [name]Miles[/name] is ok, but I don’t love it (as of yet) like I love [name]James[/name] and [name]Henry[/name]. And so tonight I thought of [name]Dillon[/name], which I like the sound of. It’s easy to say and flows great with my last name. But, what is the image of this name? Would the upper class , not that I am, use names like this? Your frank honesty is most appreciated.
[name]Honesty[/name]. I find [name]Dillon[/name] a very distinguished, strong name and I think it would age well, working for a man in any occupation.
To answer your other question, no I definitely wouldn’t avoid a doctor named [name]Dillon[/name] and nor would I have any doubts about him based on his name. I don’t believe someone’s first name reflects upon their ability to do a job, that’s my honest opinion. I know people named [name]Mikayla[/name] who are going to grow up to be architects and lawyers and a [name]Braedyn[/name] who’s extremely intelligent and wants to get into medicine. They didn’t chose their names, it’s more a reflection on their parents questionable taste than their competence.
[name]Hope[/name] that helped:)
- [name]Charlie[/name]
Honestly, I much rather prefer the spelling ‘[name]Dylan[/name]’ to ‘[name]Dillon[/name]’.
I was a nanny to a baby [name]Miles[/name], & absolutely adore the name.
A good compromise might be the name ‘[name]Myron[/name]’! [name]Just[/name] putting that out there.
I love [name]Dylan[/name], and i hate [name]Dillon[/name]. It makes em think of Balloon. I dont like any -on spelling (eg i prefer [name]Devin[/name] to [name]Devon[/name], …)
I think Dylans would be i upper class, Dillons wouldnt
My son’s name is [name]Ryder[/name]. What sounds so weird or unprofessional about it? It’s obviously a more modern name choice that along with [name]Cody[/name], [name]Miles[/name] and [name]Dylan[/name] has only become popular within the last decade or so. In 20 years, when all the Madisons, Aidens and Mias are grown up, you will find them doing all kinds of professions.
[name]Dillon[/name] reminds me of [name]Matt[/name] [name]Dillon[/name]. I think the spelling [name]Dylan[/name] is much nicer for a first name.
I really like [name]Dylan[/name] spelt [name]Dillon[/name]. It seems very much a strong, traditional man’s name and it also seems a bit cowboy/rocker which i like!
[name]Dillon[/name] is my mom’s last name. I want to name our son (due 12/9) this, but my husband doesn’t like that I already have a cousin named [name]Dillon[/name] (despite the fact that they’ve only met twice, briefly). I like the [name]Dillon[/name] spelling better because it highlights my Irish ancestry whereas “[name]Dylan[/name]” is Welsh and has a different meaning.
I think [name]Dillon[/name] (or [name]Dylan[/name]) is a pretty innocuous choice that most people will find pleasant. I would bet that it is pretty evenly distributed among class lines. Not [name]Henry[/name], but then not [name]Jaelyn[/name] either. I think [name]Miles[/name] probably sounds a bit more patrician at this point. What about the classic names that haven’t been as favored so recently-[name]George[/name], [name]Edward[/name], [name]Walter[/name], [name]John[/name], [name]Roger[/name], [name]Peter[/name], etc?
I find this name to be a little bland, personally, but I definitely prefer the [name]Dylan[/name] spelling to [name]Dillon[/name]. [name]Dillon[/name] reminds me of the herb dill which I really dislike, so it’s a negative association for me. [name]Dylan[/name] reminds me of the poet and the name’s Welsh background. If you are looking for a strong classic I would look again at [name]Edward[/name] (cute nns’s like [name]Ted[/name] and [name]Ned[/name]) or [name]Henry[/name]. [name]Dylan[/name] seems more feminine to me, probably because it is being slightly taken over by the girls.
My son is [name]Dylan[/name], so I love the name and prefer the [name]Dylan[/name] spelling.