What do you think of [name]Dinah[/name]? When you see it to you pronounce it like DIE-nuh or like [name]DEE[/name]-nah?
I love the second pronunciation, like the daughter of [name]Jacob[/name] in the Bible. I hate the first pronunciation, because it makes me think of a cat (probably due to [name]Alice[/name]). I just wondered if the rest of you like it and if you think it would be open to too many pronunciation problems.
“[name]Dinah[/name] won’t you blow your horn” is what immediately pops into my mind, so I would naturally pronounce it with a long i.
[name]IMO[/name], both pronunciations sound sweet and southern.
[name]Dinah[/name] is an old Hebrew name meaning “one who is judged”. It is pronounced “DIE-nah”. If you like the pronunciation “[name]DEE[/name]-nah” better than i would suggest spelling it [name]Dina[/name] or [name]Deena[/name].
Agree. I think most think of DIE-nah. Tweak spelling if you want [name]Dee[/name]-nah.
I like first pronounciation. I think this name is ready to renovation. It has a Biblical heritage and is loved and used in Britian by upper classes. Time to shake that slavery association in the U.S.
Hmm, I think I would probably say “DIE-nah” straight away - however, I much prefer the “[name]DEE[/name]-nuh” pronunciation. I knew a girl with the name [name]Dina[/name] once, pronounced “[name]DEE[/name]-nuh”… I’d suggest spelling it this way, although it doesn’t look as complete without the “h”…
[name_f]My[/name_f] cat is called [name_f]Dinah[/name_f] cos my DH didn’t want to bestow it on a child, which is good cos she gets mixed pronunciation, we say Die-nah but every so often someone says [name_f]Deena[/name_f]
I agree with the previous replies, spelt [name_f]Dinah[/name_f] I would always pronounce it DIE-nah. I love this name however, also because of the cat in [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and Wonderland lol. I never knew the [name_f]Dinah[/name_f] in the Bible was pronounced [name_f]DEE[/name_f]-nah! That is very cute…however I do prefer the other way. Have you heard of the name [name_f]Adina[/name_f]? I love that name too and it has the pronunciation that you prefer without the issue of getting it confused, the spelling makes it pretty clear. You might have problems spelling it [name_f]Dinah[/name_f] if you wanted it said [name_f]DEE[/name_f]-nah, maybe taking the ‘h’ off the end makes it more plausible. I could see the name [name_f]Dina[/name_f] pronounced either way. It’s all your choice, I just hope you don’t have an issue with repeating pronunciation lol. Good luck with it, I hope you find the perfect solution!
Die-nah. I think [name_f]Dina[/name_f] would give you your preferred pronunciation. That being said, I like [name_f]Dinah[/name_f]. Its so vintage and spunky, and I see the [name_f]Alice[/name_f] in Wonderland reference as positive.
Well yes and no. In English it’s die-nah. In Hebrew it’s dee-nah. A lot (most) Biblical names are pronounced differently in English than they are in Hebrew.
I like both pronunciations, actually. Unlike other some other Biblical girls’ names I don’t have a strong English vs. Hebrew favourite. (at least one of the English pronunciations of [name_f]Keziah[/name_f] breaks my heart)
That said, I wouldn’t expect anyone in an English-speaking country to assume [name_f]Dinah[/name_f] with the h wasn’t the English pronunciation. I would spell it [name_f]Dina[/name_f] if I wanted it with the “ee” sound in the US, I’ve known several Hebrew-speaking Dinas.