Disappeared posts?

I’ve found that some of my posts have disappeared. Most notably my posts from @mistletoenargle’s University of Colorado Baseball team game - I posted last night to all 3 parts but my posts are nowhere to be found.

Other popular threads e.g. Alphabetical Triplets seem to be only displaying posts from March 27 when this is a hugely popular thread usually!

Wondering if anyone else is having a similar problem or if this is something I can fix myself in settings?


I noticed so many missing posts everywhere too!! Makes me sad.

Don’t be sad! This is a migration issue and we expect the posts to be back. It may take us several
days because we are a handful but f people working from all over the world but we are aware.

Thanks for letting us know and please keep us updated on what you’re seeing (or not seeing)


Thanks Pam! Appreciate your reply. Overall I do enjoy the new forums and the shortcuts are making posting a lot quicker!

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Update: the missing posts should now have been restored.

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thanks @katinka