This thread is just for us writers to discuss anything under the sun. Our current WIPs, writing block, character naming dilemma, and anything in between.
Haha fun! I’m currently stuck in one of my books in a stupid conversation. I had an idea where it was supposed to go like a week ago and now I don’t honestly remember how it’s supposed to go so I’m just add libing it. And does anyone have the problem of moving on to other books? I’m only 1/4 of the way through my first brook and I’m already planning the second! Seriously I should just focus on the first ad get it done. Currently I’m trying to write that conversation right now but am staying on nb lol.
I can relate. I planned out the last chapter of my Avatar fanfic in [name_u]July[/name_u], and still haven’t gotten around to writing it. I did start writing a 17 chapter [name_m]Hamilton[/name_m] fanfiction, though. Definitely prioritizing!
Lol I’m literally pushing through my problem right now!
And prioritizing is hard. I put a lot of my school papered before my book but they’re really big so it’s hard trying to choose what I’m going to do.
I know! I try to prioritize, but it doesn’t work for me, LOL. I need to discipline myself or something.
Advice?? I’m currently in that area where writing makes me cringe, but not writing also makes me cringe, and looking at names on nb and finding writing prompts is definitely Not Helping
I get the feeling. I would probably do something to clear your mind and then try writing again.
Go for a walk or take a shower. I find that both of these can help me clear my thoughts and sometime get me in a better mood for writing
@anon73426543 I actually find it helpful to work on multiple projects at once! If I’m stuck on one story, I’ll move to another for some time (sometimes a few minutes, sometimes a few weeks) so I’m still working and creating, and usually when I get back to the first piece, I have more clarity. I also relate to thinking about future books but my advice is to embrace it. If you’re looking to publish, it’s a good idea to have all the books done anyways because then you can make sure they work together and that character and plot arcs continue throughout the stories. I’m currently writing draft 1 of a book 2 and I’m already plotting book 3 (and a potential book 4, I’m not sure yet). I also think if you have an idea, it’s better to write it down than to wait and risk forgetting it!
I’ve been swamped with school and work this week so I haven’t had time to write much, which makes me sad. I have a story due next week in my creative writing workshop and I’ve started it but I’m still not 100% sure where it’s going to go lol. I’m not great at the “short” part of “short stories” so I’m just worried about it becoming too long before I figure out what’s going on.