Hello! Looking for advice/feedback on if these names work in Spanish. I don’t really speak any Spanish so any feedback from people with more experience with Spanish language or culture would be great! Are these able to spelled/pronounced logically in Spanish (even if you’re unfamiliar with the name itself) or would they be too confusing?
It would also be helpful if you included any sort of frame of reference about any of these names - if there’s a cultural reference, perception of the name (is it old/young, rich/poor, religious, etc). This isn’t for real people, just stories. I understand the Spanish language and cultural perceptions vary from country to country but any input would be helpful!
[name_u]Amor[/name_u] (I know it’s the word for love, is it too weird as a name in a Spanish-speaking context?)
[name_f]Callie[/name_f] (Cali may be an easier spelling, but could [name_f]Callie[/name_f] work?)
[name_u]Celestine[/name_u] (Celestina would probably be better but can [name_u]Celestine[/name_u] work?)
[name_f]Daphne[/name_f] (Dafne may be an easier spelling, but could [name_f]Daphne[/name_f] work?)
[name_f]Eliane[/name_f] (Eliana would probably be better but can [name_f]Eliane[/name_f] work?)
[name_f]Marleen[/name_f] or [name_f]Marlene[/name_f]