[name_u]Henry[/name_u] and [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] is the only actual one I can think of but it does feel like there must be more because of all little olivers and liams and islas and avas we know. I guess it is likely to happen since lots of people like top 10 names and have a couple of children all named from the top 10. I think it would be more interesting to see these double ups for less popular names…but again if you like a particular style of names I guess you are likely to pick from the same pool of names as other people with that style
Not siblings but I know two Margaret’s who both have daughters called [name_f]Joanne[/name_f]. Their surnames also both start with C and have the same amount of letters in them
I know two pairs of Jack & Julia, but I think one of them may be legally Jack and the other one is John. I also know two families that have both William/Will and Katherine/Katie, although those families have other children as well. The birth order is actually reversed with both of these, with one family having an older daughter and the other an older son. I don’t think I know any multi-family sibling sets with two male or two female names that reoccur.
I’ve met a [name_f]Meghan[/name_f] & [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] and a [name_f]Megan[/name_f] & [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]! Both Meg(h)ans and Amelias were the same age!
It’s a name that’s pretty regional, and it looks like it is to the extent that Nameberry doesn’t recognize it haha. Jarom (JARE-um) is a book in the Book of Mormon. [name_m]Ammon[/name_m] (AM-mun, the am- like jam) is another name that fits the same bill as Jarom, where it’s fairly common among latter-day saints, but not elsewhere