Do you prefer 2 middles names or 1 middle name?

See the results of this poll: How do you feel about 1 or 2 middle names?

Respondents: 118 (This poll is closed)

  • I prefer 1 middle name : 48 (33%)
  • I prefer 2 middle names : 34 (24%)
  • 2 middles names is pretentious : 6 (4%)
  • It depends on the name(s): 56 (39%)

I typically feel like two is just too much, but occasionally I hear a combo with two that I really like. I do tend to think two sounds a little on the pretentious side though.

I used to think that more than one middle name was pretentious-sounding… but I see it a little differently now. I definitely don’t see myself having 20 kids (exaggeration just a bit), and I just don’t see the point of wasting names I have loved forever. Personally, I would never do more than two… But I think it is such a personal decision. And, really, who cares? It’s your kid. Name it however you want.

Something to keep in mind, though, is that the second middle name (and third, fourth, whatever) will usually be dropped on forms and paperwork.

I also think it’s a personal decision…but usually find two middles a tad pretentious. I wouldn’t do it, personally. But, then again, it also depends on the reason for choosing the names. For example, if a person is only having one child (or one more child), but it’s important to honor more than one person.

But again, that’s just my personal opinion. It seems like a lot of people on NB prefer the flow of multiple middles…and hey! It’s your choice!

  • [name_f]Aggie[/name_f]-

I’ll say two because I love too many names. What can I say? That’s the truth.

Two is helpful when trying to honor more than one person, and some mothers like to give their maiden name to their child as a second middle name, rather than not passing it on or having their child deal with a hyphenated name. I don’t see as pretentious, but I can see that others might. One middle name is simple and straightforward, so either option’s good.

I feel this is a personal decision and that there is not a right way or a wrong way. I prefer one but feel that there are times that I might consider two.

For my kids, all will have two middle names. All with significance (family names/variations)

For other people’s kids, it depends on the combo.

I have gone back and forth with this too. If I did do two middles, it would only be to honor family. I have two middles myself (both honor family) and I know how annoying it is trying to fit it on official forms and stuff, and usually my 2nd middle is missed off. I don’t think two is pretentious, because it is quite common to use two, any more than two is pushing it though.

For me, it depends on the combination of names. I personally prefer only one middle name, but I have two middle names myself. Fortunately, all three of my names are short and as a result can fit on most documents. [name_m]Both[/name_m] middle names honour people in my family. So in my case, I like my two middle names. In general, I think it depends.

I don’t think there is a right or wrong here, it is what ever you decide to do for your child. I, personally, will use two. [name_u]Future[/name_u] Husband has 2, I will keep my maiden as a 2nd, so we will both have 2. Plus I love so many names and want to honor so many people, doing two will not only be a family unit connection, but will allow me to do more since I do not plan on having 20 kids.

I prefer two, because my mother’s side of the family (on her dad’s side) all have two middle names, and my mother and her sisters received incredibly British sounding names with two middles. My mum and aunts chose not to continue it with my cousins and I, and I’ve always been jealous of my mum for having two middles and not giving me two as well :stuck_out_tongue:

I generally prefer 1 middle name, but I think it just depends on the name in question. More than one feels like too much to me most of the time (and yes, it can seem a little pretentious to have a whole string of names, but again it depends a lot on the specific names being used), but if a good flow can be achieved with 2 or there is a good reason why the parent wants to use 2 middle names (family tradition, honoring 2 important people, etc.) then I think it’s fine.

I don’t like two, usually. When you say the first-middle-middle together the flow sounds right, because the second middle name sort of sounds like a last name, so your ear is used to it. Like, say, George Robert Thomas. But then when you add the last name - George Robert Thomas Richardson, it’s too much for me.

As I said, though: Usually. There are some three-name trios that sound awesome (the fictional Wendy Moira Angela Darling comes to mind!), or sometimes it’s the best way to edge in a name that has significance to the parents, or sometimes two of the names act more like one name: Mary Ann Letitia, where Mary Ann is sort of like one name.

There are religious considerations, too. It’s the norm in my family to treat your confirmation name as a second middle name, unless it’s already the same as your middle name. My middle name is Theresa and my confirmation name is Agnes: Firstname Theresa Agnes Lastname. If I had two middles at birth my name – Firstname Theresa Name Agnes Lastname – would be unwieldy. Plus I like the tradition of a child getting to pick their special second middle name themselves.

Edit: Just remembered that my aunt has two middles and always thought her name was too old-fashioned - the (to me) swoon-worthy M@ry Helen Cl@ra.

I like the two middles. It offers a chance to use two honor names, or to use a honor name and still use a crazy middle that’s too outlandish for a first.
However, since when I have kids someday I’m planning on giving them hyphenated last names, I’m not so sure I’ll actually USE two middles, because Firstname Firstmiddle Secondmiddle Lastname-Lastname2 gets pretty long and clunky, unless most of the names are pretty short.

I agree with this.
Most of the time I just like one. [name_f]Every[/name_f] once in a while I’ll hear a combo with two that I think is really pretty, usually with at least 1 single syllable name.
I don’t think it’s always pretentious, I can understand the desire and I know for some it’s traditional and expected. But it definitely can sound pretentious depending on the chosen names.

Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t! Often I’ll hear a lovely combination on Nameberry, but when you pair three names with a surname, the flow can be interrupted. And sometimes it’s just too much of a mouthful. Also, on legal documents, they don’t really have a place for a second middle, so the child might just pick one to use anyway.

I absolutely can’t stand two middle names.

I think it all depends on the names. In certain naming situations the names can make the combo sound over the top. For example: [name_m]Thaddeus[/name_m] [name_m]Giles[/name_m] [name_m]Percival[/name_m]*

I like two middles for my boy names. I find it harder to find girl combinations where the names don’t sound awkward. It’s much easier for me to make boy combinations with a double middle.

*Not an actual combination I’ve seen. [name_m]Just[/name_m] pulled it out of nowhere

I think there are valid reasons to opt for 2 middle names - family tradition, honoring others, etc. But absent a good reason for doing it, using 2 middle names seems like an unnecessary complication. I don’t find it pretentious at all, however.