I guess I tend to prefer “e” names, but there are some “a” names in there, like [name]Anna[/name], instead of [name]Anne[/name]. I also prefer [name]Laura[/name] to [name]Laurie[/name].
I prefer [name]Rosa[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name], but I also prefer [name]Clementine[/name] and [name]Adele[/name]. Overall I tend to like ‘-e’ names more because they seem more subdued (especially in the example of [name]Evangeline[/name] vs [name]Evangelina[/name]), but there are always exceptions.
Great topic! I think I lean towards -a names, but only barely. From your list, I like [name]Rose[/name], [name]Aurora[/name], [name]Clementina[/name], and [name]Adele[/name]- an even split. But then I like [name]Gabrielle[/name] over [name]Gabriella[/name], [name]Sabina[/name] over [name]Sabine[/name], [name]Celine[/name]/[name]Selene[/name] over [name]Selena[/name], [name]Roxana[/name] over [name]Roxanne[/name], [name]Annabella[/name] over [name]Annabel[/name], and [name]Evangeline[/name] over [name]Evangelina[/name]. It really just depends on the name. Sometimes I think the a makes it sound prettier and fuller, sometimes I think it makes it sound cheaper, trendier or just too frilly.
I generally prefer A endings - because I love things over-the-top and frilly. Things like [name]Evangelina[/name] make things just that much sweeter for me over [name]Evangeline[/name]. [name]Ottilie[/name] is one of the rare exceptions - I dont care too much for [name]Ottilia[/name].
I would have said I prefer -a endings but looking at your examples I prefer the -e endings except [name]Aurore[/name]. It just looks wrong. My biggest one is [name]Louisa[/name] which I much prefer to [name]Louise[/name]. But this might be just because loads of people my age have [name]Louise[/name] as a middle name, it seems it was the [name]Mae[/name] of the 80s/90s. Thinking about it I would go for -e.
My thoughts exactly. Most -a names seem entirely too frilly to me, and I tend to shoot for an feminine, though understated feel.[/quote]
These are my thoughts as well, although there are definitely exceptions (like I am considering [name]Louisa[/name] over [name]Louise[/name]) and the more I try to think of examples, the more “a” names I discover I like! I think I want to avoid overly frilly, but I still enjoy a nice flowing name
From your list I like:
Usually, I’ll take the non-A name. Almost all A-ending names on my list are names that don’t have a non-A counterpart to my knowledge. In fact, even if I talk about the broader field of all girls’ names I like, I don’t favor A endings. That is, I expect my list has proportionately fewer A endings than a random sample of girls’ names. And I notice that what I most go “ooh!” over are pronounced E endings.
I generally prefer -e names, the only exception from your list being [name]Louisa[/name] (although I prefer [name]Eloise[/name] to both [name]Louise[/name] and [name]Louisa[/name]).