Does BM make for bad initials?

I’m really liking the name [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] but I’m wondering if it makes for bad initials.

( last name starts with an L if that makes a difference)

My sisters full initials are IBS (Irritatble bowel syndrome) and shes never noticed. Shes 11. My mom didnt even noticed up after they named her. And the last initial will cancel out the middle imo.

No, I think BM or BML is fine.

It’s fine, especially because her initials will actually be BL or BML. I’ve never seen anyone write their initials as just the first and middle name.

I’m probably being really stupid but I have no idea why BM would be bad, I’m assuming it stands for something but I can’t figure it out. I know a BM whose never had any issues and I particularly don’t see a problem since it’ll be her first and middle name.

I’m with essa. I had never heard that abbreviation before a doctor used it (she must have been immature or something to not use the full statement). I find initials are only an issue when they spell swear words etc. I had a friend who was YMCA and got “that is so cool!” from most people. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] L. is wonderful.

I have no idea why BM would be bad. Is it something dodgy in [name_u]America[/name_u]? I’m genuinely curious!

P.s. [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] Magdelena!

I’m at a loss too - binman, B&M Stores???

[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] is absolutely stunning by the way.

I don’t understand BM either, but I’m assuming bowel-something… [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] is just beautiful, absolutely gorgeous.

It’s a somewhat old-school and/or medical term for “bowel movement,” i.e. poop and/or the act of pooping.

I’m curious about this as well, as my daughter could have a double-barreled last name with the initials B.M. and or a first name that starts with a B and a last name starting with an M (that’s right, we haven’t decided on a first OR last name yet, with the little one due in less than a week!).

Her initials would be BL…but I’d avoid it anyway–since you made that association.

My first and last initials are BM and honestly only one person has ever mentioned the association and it was my best friend (not to mention she’s in veterinary school so medical terminology is more relevant to her). We laughed it off and nothing has been mentioned since. I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal if you really love the name especially since it’s her first and middle name. No biggie imo :slight_smile:

BM initials are fine. People should worry less about associations. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] is gorgeous and this name will knock everyone off their feet!

Not if its first/middle because she’ll NEVER use those initials without the LN (unless it’s like AJ or [name_m]JR[/name_m]).

I might think twice about FN/LN, but I doubt it matters. Until i wS hospitalized or my daughter was in daycare I never thought about the abrieviation.

I dont know what BM is supposed to stand for, therefore I think it wont be a problem :slight_smile: Especially since its a first and middle.
I knew a BJ once…thats one you want to be careful with!

I’m a nurse and so of course I think of Bowel Movement, I’m willing to look past it because the name is so awesome but I wanted to make sure no one else will make the association. Thank you!!

Yeah as a physician, BM are initials I would never ever want for myself or kids. But that only applies for first name last name initials. I think first and middle is fine.

It’s a beautiful combo btw

I’m medical, so I see it right away, but I think it’s fine with first-middle. First-last would be a no-no for me. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalena[/name_f] is beautiful.

Yeah. I speak BM all day and I never saw the connection until today, I just liked it because of the double barrel NN of [name_f]Maggie[/name_f]-[name_f]Bee[/name_f], and of course the names themselves. And then I saw it and thought “#*^#”! Lol. Thank you for responding.

I think BM would be bad initials if it were initials of first and last name, but since it’s first and middle, those initial won’t be used.