Doroteia nn:Ada

Ada as a nn to Doroteia?
Doroteia is Dorothea but this is the spealling we use where I live
I love Ada pronounced ay-duh but where I live if it stands out as a single name it as to be read Add-uh
So… I was thinking and Doroteia is in my top girl names and the final eia part is read ay-uh and as the first letter of the name is D we could use that to have Ada pronounced like Ay-duh as a nn
What do you think? I know it is a stretch but I really love it and she would be Doroteia James (Ada James)… our other option is to use Ada (Add-uh) James both as middle names to an different first name.

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In the kindest way possible, no


I think [name_f]Ada[/name_f] is a bit of a stretch as a nn, I love Dorothea/Doroteia but personally i prefer [name_f]Ada[/name_f] [name_u]James[/name_u] on its own!

It’s a stretch but i guess it could work

I want to say yes for you but I can’t.
I understand the logic but you’ll end up explaining how the nn came about to everyone you meet and you’ll end up resenting it.

I think Teia would make more sense :slightly_smiling_face: