My husband and I have been talking about names for some time and despite the fact that he is fantastically picky, we’ve come up with a few names we like.
For a girl, we’ve pretty much settled on [name]Eloise[/name]. He also likes [name]Amelia[/name] a lot, but it’s the name of a family friend and would be a little odd to use. And I know it’s fairly popular.
For a boy, the two we’re currently considering are [name]Frederick[/name] (nn [name]Freddy[/name]) and [name]Walter[/name] (nn [name]Walt[/name]). [name]Frederick[/name] is a family name, but since we’re using family names for the middles, it’s not a must for the first name.
I like [name]Eloise[/name]! And, of the two boy names, I’ll go with [name]Frederick[/name], as I don’t care for the [name]Walt[/name] nickname at all. What are you thinking for middle names? I think two-syllable names would be perfect to create a stair-step effect with your short last name - I’d be curious to see your combinations.
I love [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name], both were on my list of names we were considering! We were going to do [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
For boys names, I prefer [name]Frederick[/name] to [name]Walter[/name] – but I’m not sure about nicknames – I prefer [name]Rick[/name] or [name]Red[/name] to [name]Freddy[/name].
All those are names I’ve suggested to my husband at one point or another. [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name] were nixed just due to taste, but [name]Walter[/name] felt a little too much like an “old man” name. However, regarding [name]Frederick[/name], I got a “Well, I don’t hate it…” With my husband, that’s a green light. It went immediately on the short list. Though I prefer just plain [name]Fred[/name] to [name]Freddy[/name].
Good names. I slightly prefer [name]Eloise[/name] for your girl, and I’m really torn on the boy. I’d probably lean slightly toward [name]Walter[/name] - I really like [name]Walt[/name] as a nn - but [name]Frederick[/name] is nice as well. I think I prefer [name]Fred[/name] to [name]Freddy[/name] as a nn though.
I slightly prefer [name]Amelia[/name], but [name]Eloise[/name] is still lovely. I’ve just thought- [name]Amelia[/name] Bones is a [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] character. Hmm. Anyway, I like [name]Frederick[/name] much better than [name]Walter[/name], and [name]Fred[/name] better than [name]Freddy[/name]; I think [name]Fred[/name] would age better. Great choices!
Lol! Same here for my hubby! If I even ever get an “It’s okay” that’s great!
I prefer [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Frederick[/name]! Beautiful names![/quote]
Yeah, I’m with you. I really do like [name]Amelia[/name], but [name]Eloise[/name] just has something about it that draws me to it. [name]Walter[/name] doesn’t do it for me, but [name]Frederick[/name] is one of my favorite boy names.
Thanks for the responses! I think I’m starting to lean towards [name]Frederick[/name] as well. For middle names, if it’s a boy, the middle name will be [name]Lamont[/name], but for a girl, we haven’t settled on one. Family names we’re choosing from include [name]Goldie[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Lula[/name], and [name]Eva[/name]. [name]Goldie[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] are my grandmother’s names, but I think it might bother me to use [name]Grace[/name] because it’s such a default middle name.
I adore [name]Frederick[/name]!!
And it works great with the middle name [name]Lamont[/name]!
If you still have any doubts between the two names, [name]Walter[/name] does not work nearly as well with [name]Lamont[/name], so that should settle it for you.
I also love [name]Eloise[/name]!
Unfortunately, I don’t think it flows well with any of the middle names you have listed, except [name]Grace[/name], which flows well with almost everything, but as you said, is so common as a middle that it loses its charm.
If you are willing to use variants of the names of the people you want to honor, however, I think the following would be really pretty:
[name]Eloise[/name] [name]Marigold[/name] (for [name]Goldie[/name])
[name]Eloise[/name] [name]Lucille[/name] (for [name]Lula[/name])
[name]Eloise[/name] [name]Violet[/name] [name]Anne[/name] ([name]EVA[/name] initials for [name]Eva[/name])
[name]Eloise[/name] [name]Grazielle[/name] (the French form of [name]Grace[/name] to go with the French [name]Eloise[/name])
i dont like walt unless he’s going to make a theme park like walt disney. I think that for fredrick it would be better as fred with a nn of freddy! elouise, its classy and old ladyish whick is very important. I like amelia but amelia reminds me of the book series amelia bedelia or the famous pilot that went missing! [name]Both[/name] [name]Amelia[/name]'s were headed for doom so I’d choose [name]Elouise[/name]!
I absolutely love [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Frederick[/name]! (I like [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Walter[/name], too, but I love [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Frederick[/name] more.)
I agree with JLM that none of the middles, aside from [name]Grace[/name], work with [name]Eloise[/name], though, and I love her idea of [name]EVA[/name] initials! (And by the way, I adore the name [name]Goldie[/name].)