Early scan worry

So I had an early scan today due to some bleeding. Scan shown a healthy little baby at around 5weeks2days. But the scan also found alot of fluid in my pelvis and that they couldn’t see my right ovary. They are worried about a possible 2nd baby but ectopic. I have to wait 2 weeks for another scan but I’m in bits. I’m terrified it may be something serious and I could lose alot. I feel bad that I’m not super excited that the baby is ok. Like I’m relieved but now just consumed with fear that there’s something wrong that could jeopardize the baby or me. I duno why I’m putting this here suppose it’s just somewhere to rant about it as nobody knows but me & my boyfriend. I’ve miscarried before so I have that horrible feeling hovering over me again about potentially losing this baby too. I just wish I could feel happy and excited but I’m just filled with dread. I’ve even stopped looking at baby names as it just makes me feel sad now.


I empathize with your fear, for I have experienced that kind of loss. Your guilt is relatable and the time you must wait is incredibly painful. The outcome is not in your hands and was not your fault. I will lift you up in prayer these next two weeks. There is nothing like this kind of helplessness that will bring you before the “throne of grace.”

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I will also be thinking of you and sending all best wishes :heart: That wait sounds incredibly difficult, I’m sorry you’ll be in limbo for that long. Echoing @kapaza’s wise words above.

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I’m so sorry you are feeling anxious. I have no real wisdom, but I understand the negative emotions. [name_m]Just[/name_m] know that nothing bad that happens is your fault. Fertility is tricky and unpredictable. Sending you lots of love. I hope it turns out okay.

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Pregnancy after loss, especially with potential complications, is scary. The outcome is not something you can control and that lack of control is scary. I think there’s always a little voice that cautions you against hope or getting too attached in case something goes wrong. You aren’t a bad person for feeling that way, no matter what guilt tries to tell you. I’m so sorry for the pain you are enduring and wish you every good thing these next couple of weeks and beyond :heart:

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Firstly, you shouldn’t feel any shame that you are struggling to feel excited. That “waiting for the other shoe to drop” feeling is very normal in pregnancy after loss. feeling guarded is normal too, and helps our brains cope with the moment. somethings that helped me were meditation (sitting with your thoughts and releasing them), 4 by 4 breathing when I felt myself spiraling, and communicating with the people that love me about how scared I was feeling. Also, even if these tips or other advice don’t work for you, I hope you at least found some peace in sharing your fears with us. I hope this helps :two_hearts:

Thinking of you and hoping you get some good news at the next scan. It’s fine to admit you’re scared, especially after loss - I’m absolutely terrified! We’re all here for you whenever you feel the need to vent :heart:

Definitely let us know about updates! I hope you get answers and lots of support, and everything turns out well!

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