Earth day names!

Hello all, happy earth day!! :earth_africa:

[name_m]Nature[/name_m] is definitely one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to names (and thinking about names is one of my favorite ways to celebrate things :wink:) so I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite earth day names! I’d be so happy to hear any names that you love that connect to nature and the earth.

[name_f]Earth[/name_f] day also happens to coincide with the start Passover this year, so happy Passover to all who celebrate!!

[name_f]Adama[/name_f] - Hebrew: “earth”

[name_f]Gayane[/name_f] - Armenian: “earth”

[name_f]Avani[/name_f] - Sanskrit: “earth”

Dunia - Arabic: “this world”

[name_m]Alemayehu[/name_m] - Amharic: “I have seen the world”

Ghadir - Arabic: “stream”

[name_f]Ayelet[/name_f] - Hebrew: “gazelle”

[name_m]Omer[/name_m] - Hebrew: “wheat”

Suma - Sanskrit: “flower”

[name_f]Sunshine[/name_f] :sun_behind_small_cloud:

[name_f]Neta[/name_f] - Hebrew: “plant”

Mayura - Sanskrit: “peacock”

Saahil - Arabic: “seashore”

Shailaja - Sanskrit: “daughter of the mountain”

[name_f]Sita[/name_f] - Sanskrit: “furrow” - the daughter of the earth in Hinduism!

[name_f]Montserrat[/name_f] - Catalan: “jagged mountain”

[name_f]Chava[/name_f] - Hebrew: “life”

:earth_americas: :two_hearts: :peace_symbol:


[name_f]Chava[/name_f] is gorgeous, I think I’ve mentioned this to you before but I have such a soft spot for her. Now I’m picturing a little [name_f]Chava[/name_f] [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f], and how sweet is that!

A couple nature/earth/spring related names that have been on my mind lately are:

[name_f]Aviva[/name_f]- spring/life
[name_f]Beryl[/name_f]- pale green stone; crystal
[name_f]Gaia[/name_f]- earth
[name_f]Demeter[/name_f] “Demi”- earth mother
[name_f]Chloe[/name_f]- sprout; green shoot
[name_f]Petra[/name_f]- stone; boulder
[name_f]Colibrí[/name_f]- hummingbird
[name_f]Girasol[/name_f]- sunflower
[name_f]Carmen[/name_f]- garden’ orchard

I love your name list, they are so bold and beautiful with a whimsical touch. [name_f]Happy[/name_f] [name_f]Earth[/name_f] [name_f]Day[/name_f]!


[name_f]My[/name_f] [name_f]Chava[/name_f] combo changes back and forth from [name_f]Chava[/name_f] Shanthi to [name_f]Chava[/name_f] Shanthi [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f], but now there’s a solid third option :wink:

So beautiful omg, I adore all of these!! [name_f]Colibrí[/name_f] is new to me and I’m in love!!

[name_f]Colibri[/name_f] a favourite of mine out of my Spanish girl name collection, I’m glad you like her. She feels so bright and bouncy. [name_f]Girasol[/name_f] I find the imagery just beautiful- Girar in Spanish means “to turn” and sol means “sun”, so [name_f]Girasol[/name_f] literally means “the turning of the sun” or “sun-spin” which I think is so whimsical and lovely.

[name_f]Happy[/name_f] [name_f]Earth[/name_f] day! :yellow_heart: [name_f]Chava[/name_f], [name_f]Avani[/name_f] and Mayura are soooo lovely! And I’m loving the meanings of Shailaja and [name_f]Montserrat[/name_f], they’re very striking!

A few of my own nature-y faves would be…
[name_f]Dunja[/name_f] - ‘quince’
Višnja - ‘sour cherry’
Vukašin - ‘son of wolves’
Enikő - ‘fawn’
Hajnalka - ‘morning glory’ or ‘little dawn’
Călin - ‘guelder rose’
[name_m]Rosen[/name_m] - ‘dittany’
[name_m]Sorin[/name_m] - ‘sun’
[name_m]Viorel[/name_m] & [name_f]Viorica[/name_f] - ‘sweet violet flower’
[name_f]Margarita[/name_f], [name_f]Margarida[/name_f], Marjetica - ‘daisy’
[name_f]Itsaso[/name_f] - ‘ocean’
[name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] - ‘cloud’
Žemyna - ‘earth’
Květoslava - ‘flower glory, glory to the flowers’
Krasimir(a) - ‘beautiful world’
[name_f]Lalka[/name_f] - ‘tulip’
Nevenka - ‘marigold’
Alkyone - ‘kingfisher’
[name_f]Amaryllis[/name_f] :hibiscus:
Crina - ‘lily’
Orestis - ‘from the mountain’

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[name_m]Wonderful[/name_m] names!

[name_f]Avani[/name_f] → magical and cool

Dunia → lovely sound and powerful meaning (there was a student with this name at work and I always thought it was cool!)

[name_f]Ayelet[/name_f] → so pretty and lively

Ghadir → distinctive and cool

Suma → pretty and magical

[name_f]Sunshine[/name_f] → yay, so pretty and sparkly (i knew a lovely Sunshine)

[name_f]Neta[/name_f] → warm and earthy

Mayura → bright and lovely

some I like

[name_f]Marlowe[/name_f] - driftwood
[name_f]Cherith[/name_f] - winter stream
[name_f]Embla[/name_f] - elm tree
[name_m]Sol[/name_m] - sun
[name_f]Tesni[/name_f] - warmth of the sun
[name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] - leaping water

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