"Egg Baby" Project

Recently, I’ve been stuck with the oh-so-despised “egg baby” project. I have to carry around an empty egg (as in, no yolk etc. inside it) for three days and try not to break it. I have to make a carrier, keep a record, blah blah blah.

Of course, out of all of the things I should be worried about, I only care about the name! A few of my friends are going with the cheesy egg-related names like Yolko, [name_f]Yoko[/name_f], [name_u]Shelly[/name_u], [name_u]Shellby[/name_u], etc. I like the names, but I can find anything original but not confusing. I found “Fagen” which is what Castle’s daughter named her egg. I read that it meant “fake egg”, or something like that.

I also just might go for the typical human names. Not too sure if I’m going to make my egg a boy or a girl, but for a girl I love the name [name_u]Parker[/name_u]. Its been used as a boy’s name for so long, that when I heard someone using it as a girl’s name I fell in love! For boys I may do [name_m]Levi[/name_m], [name_u]Mason[/name_u], something timeless and unique.

I’m asking all of you Berries out there to please help me! The egg needs to be brought in tomorrow, so any ideas are welcome! Shoot me a question if you have any. Boy names, girl names, and twin names! Thanks in advance!

[name_m]Ah[/name_m], egg babies. Memories :). Perhaps you would like this moved to the pet names section? If not, that’s okay. Some suggestions:


Tried to go with the classics…


Consider [name_m]Boyd[/name_m]. I always feel like guys named [name_m]Boyd[/name_m] do/should look like an egg.

What about the [name_m]French[/name_m] girl’s name [name_f]Eglantine[/name_f]?

Or [name_f]Allegra[/name_f]? ([name_m]Al[/name_m]-egg-ra)

Of course it’s got to be [name_m]Egbert[/name_m] or [name_m]Egnacio[/name_m] for a boy!

And then there’s [name_f]Meg[/name_f] or [name_f]Peg[/name_f] for a girl, and [name_m]Greg[/name_m] for a boy…

Haha sorry I couldn’t get off the ‘egg’ theme!