The names are from this list:
Feel free to add parents, ages, surnames etc.
DS: Ambrose, Barnaby, Chester, Ennis, Frank, Grover, Leopold, Mingus, Ridge, Winslow
DS: Alistair, Boaz, Clement, Fergus, Hawthorn, Lyle, Quill, Roscoe, Sonny, Tennyson
DD: Agnes, Blossom, Clemence, Fern, Harriet, Isolde, Lavender, Martha, Scout, Tallulah
DD: Apolline, Cleo, Flannery, Ione, Lulu, Marigold, Petra, Odette, Zelda, Wilhelmina
DS: Ansel, Bram, Calder, Eugene, Jethro, Phineas, Oswald, Seymour, Wilbur, Ziggy
DS: Abner, Bowie, Cosmo, Eames, Herbert, Langston, Monty, Peregrine, Thaddeus, Wolf
DD: Andromeda, Bronte, Clover, Eluned, Henrietta, Ines, Lucinda, Ottilie, Plum, Winifred
DD: Agatha, Birdie, Cosima, Dorothea, Florence, Indigo, Lark, Prairie, Sybil, Wednesday