I was going to start this yesterday when it was actually the 1st [name_u]August[/name_u] but had just got back from holiday and was tired So here we go… the first of the series!
ln: wallace, powell, caldwell, kent, andrews, hogan, freeman, higgins
dp: gilberta, eleanor, philippa, caroline, deborah, hermione, katherine, rhiannon or gerald, lawrence, jeremy, nicholas, maximilian, alastair, dominic, richard
dp: carla, nina, paula, lisa, sara, joann, ffion, tracy or ashley, scott, lloyd, dale, seth, lee, jay, adam
ds: hamish, keith, larry, gethin, ralph, cole, glenn, ted
ds: owen, jimmy, milo, ike, douglas, hugh, terry, rhys
dd: maudie, jean, lillie, frances, julia, lois, cora, enid