Elena pronunciation

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] All

I was after some thoughts on how YOU would pronounce ‘[name_f]Elena[/name_f]’, other than the way Name berry pronounces it.?

This was my [name_f]Nonna[/name_f]'s name and was always pronounced the way I like it which was the shortest way possible saying the vowels as you would if speaking Italian. (yes I know it’s origin is Spanish) Name berry say to pronounce it E-lay-na, I’m not keen on this and don’t want to be correcting people all her life.

Thank you for your thoughts

I met an Alena once, and she pronounced her name like a-lee-na.

The only [name_f]Elena[/name_f] I’ve ever known pronounces it uh-[name_f]LIN[/name_f]-uh. The first E and the A sound the same, and the middle E is like a short i. I had no clue that it was “supposed” to be pronounced like [name_f]Elaina[/name_f] until I started using nameberry.

I say it el-lay-nuh, but I think the e-le-nuh prn is very pretty.

I say ell-en-ah as does the [name_f]Elena[/name_f] I know

[name_m]Ive[/name_m] only met one [name_f]Elena[/name_f] and she pronounced it eh-lane-a


I pronounce it ee-[name_m]LAY[/name_m]-nuh, but I also love the eh-lee-nuh pronunciation

[name_m]Ah[/name_m]-lane-ah or Eee-lane-ah