Elena: trendy or classic?

Would you consider [name_f]Elena[/name_f] to be trendy or classic? It has been on the SSA Top 1000 since 1880, but has never been near as popular as it is right now. It currently sits at #121. [name_f]El[/name_f]- names in general seem to be very popular right now.

It’s a classic. :slight_smile:

I think it is both. It is a classic name that is very on trend right now. :slight_smile:

I tend to think of it as trendy, but I didn’t know it had that history! Either way it is very pretty.

Primarily classic. But a bit of both: a classic name that fits with the current trends. Not a name that has kept the same relative popularity level for years ([name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f], [name_f]Katherine[/name_f]), but still one that will not sound too “dated” or “trendy” 30 years in the future.

Compare the 40-year-old women named [name_f]Laura[/name_f] and [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f] with those named [name_f]Tammy[/name_f] and [name_u]Lisa[/name_u]. [name_f]Tammy[/name_f] and [name_u]Lisa[/name_u] are fine names - but ones that were not in heavy use then spiked sharply upwards. They are easier to date-stamp, at least within a 20-year window or so. [name_f]Laura[/name_f] and [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f] were consistently ranked by the SSA and have had periods of more and less popularity, but they have always existed and been in pretty good use. [name_f]Elena[/name_f] is more of a [name_f]Laura[/name_f] or a [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f]. Or, to compare it to currently popular names, it’s more of a less-common version of [name_f]Emma[/name_f] or [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] than an [name_u]Addison[/name_u] or [name_u]Peyton[/name_u]: popular, yes, trendy, not exactly.

I think it’s a modern classic.

It’s got a classic sound, fits in well with traditional classics, it doesn’t sound trendy in the way [name_u]Madison[/name_u] does.

So yeah, a modern classic I think.

it’s a classic that’s become more popular because of Spanish speaking immigration (I think?). I’m from [name_f]Italy[/name_f] where it’s a super normal name, which you don’t really hear with people older than 30, but like, it’s not trendy either.

I’d say that el- names are trendy, but [name_f]Elena[/name_f] is a modern classic!

[name_f]Elena[/name_f] is a classic to me. There is something so elegant about it. I fell in love with the name in junior high school (looong, long ago) when it was on a list of names to choose from in Spanish class. Very pretty and classy choice!!

I would say that [name_f]Elena[/name_f] is currently trendy, but it’s timeless. I wouldn’t call it a classic.

I would call it a classic that fits with the popular el-sounding names of the time. It’s pretty popular in [name_m]New[/name_m] Mexico (#45), owing in part to the large Hispanic population. When I hear it always reminds me of [name_f]Elena[/name_f] Gallegos (a name that dates back to the late 1600s). So, it’s a name with a solid history that’s been steadily rising in popularity.

Definitely trendy, but not a classic. [name_f]Helena[/name_f] is the classic form of [name_f]Elena[/name_f], [name_f]Elena[/name_f] is an on trend version thanks to The Vampire Diaries.

I think it’s a classic, BUT thanks to Vampire Diaries it’s ended up very trendy.

[name_f]Elena[/name_f] is used in Eastern European and Russian cultures , too - even if pronounced [name_f]Yelena[/name_f]. Very pretty, very global classic name. My favorite writer right now is [name_f]Italy[/name_f]'s [name_f]Elena[/name_f] [name_m]Ferrante[/name_m].