Eliana and Evelina

Hey there,

I just recently came across these two names and am really loving them! I was hoping to get some other people’s thoughts, and possibly some suggestions of similar ones. I’m not pregnant right now, but I love thinking about names. Could they work for twins or sisters? And what are some boy names that could be siblings for them?

[name_m]Just[/name_m] in case you’re not sure on how I’d pronounce them:

[name_f]Eliana[/name_f] …[name_f]Ellie[/name_f] [name_f]Ana[/name_f]
[name_f]Evelina[/name_f] …Ev-uh-leena (sounds like [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u])

They could be sisters and for a boys name, maybe [name_u]Ellis[/name_u]?

I like [name_f]Evelina[/name_f] a lot! Lyrical, unique and sweet. [name_f]Elliana[/name_f] is nice too

They’re a little close for sisters for me but you probably could get away with it.

Maybe some others could be


Those names roll of the tongue nicely, however perhaps they would be better as one name or the other, because I’m afraid they sound so similar that people would mix them up. That is, unless one or both of them had a nickname.

I adore [name_f]Evelina[/name_f]! [name_f]Elliana[/name_f] is sweet too, however they are quite similar - perhaps too similar for siblings, at least for my personal taste :slight_smile:

[name_f]Evelina[/name_f] is so sweet!
I personally wouldn’t use them for sisters. I wouldn’t be surprised if people mixed up their names accidentally, including their parents! Also, a third child could feel left out if their sisters had really identical names. For example, [name_f]Eliana[/name_f], [name_f]Evelina[/name_f] and [name_f]Faye[/name_f] seems a bit odd.

Thank you everyone who replied to this, sorry it took me so long to get back to it!

I had a feeling the names would be too similar and would come down to an either/or situation. I think I like [name_f]Evelina[/name_f] best if I had to choose.

Now I’m hoping to get some more suggestions on “[name_f]El[/name_f]” names that sound nice, but not too similar. I know it’s extremely common, but I have loved [name_f]Ella[/name_f]/[name_f]Ellie[/name_f]/[name_f]Elle[/name_f] nicknames since I was a child. I would love to use a name that could lead to one of those nicknames, but sounds beautiful on it’s own in case I decided not to use a nn. I tend to prefer names to be more on the uncommon side.

Another new name I’m kinda crushing on is Lunetta with Lettie as a nn. i absolutely love Luna, but it’s too common for me. My husband is Italian and Lunetta means “little moon” in Italian

Some El names that I like are:


[name_f]Do[/name_f] these work with [name_f]Evelina[/name_f] as a sibling? And what are some other suggestions? I’m not dead set on an El name, so feel free to add anything you think goes well with Evelina

I wanted to say that I do like [name_u]Ellis[/name_u] for a boy, if I didn’t end up having a second girl.

That’s so weird! Another user has two girls called [name_f]Eliana[/name_f] and [name_f]Evelina[/name_f] and my favorite girl names are [name_f]Elliana[/name_f] and [name_f]Evalina[/name_f]


[name_m]How[/name_m] funny! They’re definitely very pretty names.