Elias or Silas?

See the results of this poll: Elias or Silas?

Respondents: 45 (This poll is closed)

  • Elias : 24 (53%)
  • Silas: 21 (47%)

[name_u]Love[/name_u] both but the flow and rhythm of [name_u]Elias[/name_u] made me vote for it -great choice

You can’t go wrong either way, but I do prefer the cadence of [name_u]Elias[/name_u]. :slight_smile:

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.

They’re both nice. I like [name_m]Silas[/name_m] slightly more. Although I don’t hear [name_u]Elias[/name_u] often or really ever, [name_m]Eli[/name_m] & [name_m]Elijah[/name_m] are both super over done. An [name_u]Elias[/name_u] may get lost in the shuffle. [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is a bit more unexpected. It has sort of a cowboy feel, but also a handsome gentleness. [name_u]Elias[/name_u] is similar, but it’s a bit more stuffy for some reason. [name_u]Elias[/name_u] is the rich guy at the saloon, whereas [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is the cool cowboy. :smiley:

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps. :slight_smile:

I don’t have any particular reason for it, but I prefer [name_u]Elias[/name_u]. With [name_m]Silas[/name_m], I always think of a silo – which isn’t a bad thing, it just adds to the cowboy feel imo.

I picked [name_u]Elias[/name_u] but I like both names. [name_f]Do[/name_f] they both sound good with your last name?

I do like the nickname [name_m]Eli[/name_m] though it is getting quite popular and more often connected to [name_m]Elijah[/name_m]. I also like the nickname [name_u]Si[/name_u] for [name_m]Silas[/name_m].

I vote for [name_u]Elias[/name_u].