Elula or Eulalie/Eulalia?

See the results of this poll: Which combo is best?

Respondents: 45 (This poll is closed)

  • Elula Pearl : 10 (20%)
  • Eulalia Pearl : 18 (35%)
  • Eulalie Pearl: 23 (45%)

[name]Eulalia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] gets my vote, prn. You-[name]LAY[/name]-lee-uh :slight_smile:

[name]Eulalie[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] got my vote, but I don’t love the way you would pronounce it…I’ve always pronounced it you-luh-lee and I think that’s prettier. :slight_smile:

I pronounce [name]Eulalia[/name] yoo-[name]LAY[/name]-lee-uh (or yoo-LAYL-yuh if I’m saying it fast/feeling lazy). I voted for both [name]Eulalia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] and [name]Eulalie[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] because they’re both winners and I couldn’t really decide. [name]Eulalia[/name] is trickier to say, but I like it better. Can’t go wrong with [name]Eulalie[/name] either, but it bums me out that it tends to get all the love, while [name]Eulalia[/name] is just left by the wayside.

[name]Elula[/name] just isn’t really my thing. I’d probably say eh-LOO-lah, though.

I have always heard it pronounced as "You-lahl-ya but that may just be in the Southern USA.

[name]Elula[/name]- it looks like eh-loo-la to me. It’s nice

I prefer [name]Eulalia[/name] as “oh-law-lee-ah” or “oh-lawl-yah”

[name]Pearl[/name] is a nice mn

I would pronounce them:
[name]Elula[/name] - ee LOO luh
[name]Eulalia[/name] - you [name]LAY[/name] lee uh
[name]Eulalie[/name] - you [name]LAY[/name] lee

I think [name]Eulalia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is great! [name]Elula[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is a close runner-up.

I love [name]Eulalie[/name]/[name]Eulalia[/name]! It’s a family name for my DH. I too have trouble deciding between [name]Eulalie[/name] and [name]Eulalia[/name] and it often comes down to flow. In isolation, I think I would choose [name]Eulalie[/name], as it feels a bit more young and spritely to me. However, I think I prefer [name]Eulalia[/name] with the short, plosive [name]Pearl[/name]. It gives the mouth a bit more time to form that ‘p’. I’m not the biggest fan of [name]Elula[/name].

[name]Love[/name] the name [name]Eulalia[/name] and [name]Pearl[/name] is a cute middle name.

I don’t like [name]Eulalie[/name]… It reminds me too much of ukelele. [name]Eulalia[/name] is a bit of a mouthful, but I like it the best. I adore [name]Pearl[/name] as a middle name.

I like all three but love the shortened [name]Elula[/name] :slight_smile:

I find [name]Eulalie[/name] and [name]Eulalia[/name] super intimidating in English- I know how to pronounce them in Spanish, but it really freaks me out when I try to pronounce them in English (which is my first and primary language- I’m not quite fluent in Spanish.) [name]Elula[/name] is much less scary for me, and prettier, in my opinion.