Emilia vs Amelia vs Emelia

Okay berries, looking for a little advice. I really love the name [name]Emilia[/name] (Eh-mil-ya) but an wondering if it will cause to much confusion. I like [name]Amelia[/name] okay, but do prefer the “Eh” sound of the E versus the “Uh” sound of the A. And I like that [name]Emilia[/name] would add a something a little bit different to the ever popular [name]Amelia[/name], and that the background of [name]Emilia[/name] is Italian which is part of my heritage, but are people going to have trouble pronouncing it?

What are your opinions? Would [name]Emelia[/name] be a good compromise of the two or just a more confusing choice?

[name]Emilia[/name] is a beautiful name! I definitely think you should stick with it. You love it more than you do [name]Amelia[/name], it’s part of your heritage, and while it might not be as common as [name]Amelia[/name] (a good thing, [name]IMO[/name]), it’s not completely out there, either. She might have to spell her name for a few people, but in this age of tryndeigh names, a lot of kids are going to have to do that. Compromising with [name]Emelia[/name] isn’t going to make a bit of difference where confusion is concerned, and it doesn’t have the advantage of being a part of your heritage.

I don’t see that there will be a lot of pronunciation issues. [name]Emilia[/name]…obviously has [name]MIL[/name] in there and I think most people will try to pronounce it eh-mil-yuh like you want.

I think it’s okay, but I do vastly prefer [name]Amelia[/name].

I say all three the same way …

I adore [name]Emilia[/name]! [name]Amelia[/name] has always seemed frumpy and unappealing to me, but I adore the Shakespearean [name]Emilia[/name]. I have seen [name]Emelia[/name] quite a lot, but it doesn’t look as streamlined and beautiful as [name]Emilia[/name] (or even [name]Amelia[/name]) to me, and I think it’d get misspelled as either [name]Amelia[/name] or [name]Emilia[/name] quite often.

This. I agree with what [name]Ash[/name] said completely!
I’m biased because [name]Emilia[/name] is my second favorite name, but I’ve always preferred [name]Emilia[/name] to [name]Amelia[/name]. I like the eh sound for [name]Emilia[/name] vs. the uh sound for [name]Amelia[/name]. [name]Emilia[/name] is prettier to me. I also love the character from [name]Othello[/name]!

I would be more confused with [name]Emelia[/name], honestly.

I would pronounce them all the same way and think both [name]Emilia[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name] are gorgeous. [name]Don[/name]'t love [name]Emelia[/name]. I’m hesitant to bring this up because it may ruin a beautiful name for some, but [name]Amelia[/name] is also a medical term - google it if you are interested. Probably not a big deal, but something to be aware of if you are still deciding. Because of this, I’d go with [name]Emilia[/name].

[name]Emilia[/name] to me feels more streamlined and as I would use the nn [name]Milly[/name] if I ever used the name then the [name]Emilia[/name] spelling lends itself better to that than [name]Amelia[/name]. I like [name]Amelia[/name] too, and both spellings are equally acceptable though in my accent there’s not a lot of difference in pronunciation. [name]Emelia[/name] just seems like a hotchpotch of the two. [name]Emilia[/name] looks and feels more familiar as it’s got the same start as [name]Emily[/name], even though [name]Amelia[/name]'s the more popular version. I like [name]Emilia[/name]'s [name]Shakespeare[/name] connection too.

Oh, and I pronounce all three pretty much the same, a slight uh vs eh difference on the the first syllable is all.

We named our daughter [name]Emelia[/name], which is also an Italian spelling for the name (we have an Italian family name). We loved the name and the nickname possibilities–[name]Em[/name], [name]Emmie[/name] or [name]Millie[/name]. I will warn you, we went to our first doctors appointment with [name]Emelia[/name] and they pronounced it [name]Emily[/name]-ya. We were pretty shocked as we never expected the mis-pronunciation. We usually just tell people “[name]Amelia[/name] with an E”. I definitely prefer the E sound over the A, much prettier and unique. I don’t see much of a difference between [name]Emilia[/name] or [name]Emelia[/name] other than maybe people would see [name]Emilia[/name] and think it was [name]Emily[/name]. [name]Just[/name] my thoughts, but I’m very supportive of the name :slight_smile:

lol, [name]Othello[/name]?! I was thinking of the [name]Emilia[/name] of Comedy of Errors, haha. She was so strong and brave and never gave up hope of her family reuniting, she was just great.

Well this is embarrassing. I mixed the two up. Sorry!

[name]Emilia[/name] is lovely! I do not believe people will have a hard time with it because it is relatively similar to the super popular [name]Emily[/name]. If you love it go for it!

I prefer [name]Emelia[/name]:slight_smile:

Oh how I love [name]Emilia[/name]! I like it better than [name]Amelia[/name].