I think I’m sold on Eulalie. Now I’m just curious on how the majority of people would pronounce it!
- EWE-luh-lee
- ewe-LAY-lee
- ewe-LAW-lee
- something else (comment below)
- OO-luh-lee
I think I’m sold on Eulalie. Now I’m just curious on how the majority of people would pronounce it!
I would say the first syllable more like you than ewe, as they are slightly different in my accent, but I think those words are basically indistinguishable for most people
I think OO-luh-lee is closest to how I’d say it first off [name_f][/name_f]- but also, ewe-LAY-lee is one I also default to
Depends on the context! I’d personally say oo-luh-LEE (I voted for OO-luh-lee because I think it’s close enough?) but when seeing it on NB I’ll often assume it’s intended to be pronounced in an Anglicised way, and in that case I say it in my head as ewe-LAY-lee.
For me it follows the same sound pattern as eulogy, so YEW-luh-lee.
“Yew-lay-lee” is closest to how I would pronounce it.
I default to you-lay-lee unless I’m channeling my inner [name_f]French[/name_f], and then I stumble through eh-oo-LAH-lee. [name_f][/name_f] This is giving me a [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] crisis of my own; I love the look of [name_f]Eulalie[/name_f] but I don’t really like it said any way but you-LAY-lee lol. [name_f][/name_f] Good thing it hasn’t made its way onto my official short list yet, I suppose