Today’s namesake is [name]Ewan[/name] [name]McGregor[/name] and that got me thinking that [name]Ewan[/name] might be a very nice alternative for those who like [name]Evan[/name] which is so popular all of a sudden.
What are others thoughts on [name]Ewan[/name]? Everyone knows it paired with [name]McGregor[/name], but alone do people recognize it and pronounce it correctly?
Well, I live in Irish heavy MA and [name]Ewan[/name]/[name]Euan[/name] is one I see fairly often. It’s not a problem pronunciation wise here. And I’d be willing to be that [name]Ewan[/name] [name]McGregor[/name] is familiar enough to most people (thanks to [name]Star[/name] Wars alone) so [name]Ewan[/name] would be familiar enough. I prefer [name]Euan[/name]. Not fond of the letter W, besides [name]Willem[/name] & [name]Wilhelmina[/name].
I love the letter W too! but I would be worried about the teasing factor in elementary school even though it is not pronounced Ew, it does start with Ew. If a child is at all uncool the mean kids will be all over that one. I babysit a lot, and kids are just cruel sometimes. I prefer the other spelling as well just to avoid the EW. Great name though!
I love [name]Ewan[/name]! I think my family might have pronounciation trouble, but most people have heard of [name]Ewan[/name] [name]McGregor[/name]…We briefly had it on our list, but since our oldest is [name]Rowan[/name], we thought they’d be too close.
I like [name]Euan[/name] because it disassociates from [name]McGregor[/name], who is great and all but I wouldn’t literally name a kid after him, but [name]Euan[/name] is even more likely to be read as [name]Evan[/name] sometimes. I am odd: I love [name]Euan[/name] and [name]Owen[/name], I can’t abide [name]Evan[/name].
My husband loves [name]Eoin[/name] - which is said [name]Owen[/name] - but I think that would confuse the bejesus out of a lot of people.