Our first born Sons name is [name]Jedidiah[/name] (nn [name]Jed[/name]/[name]Jedi[/name]) now trying to choose a name for his little brother.
Our 2nd choice name for [name]Jed[/name] was [name]Elliot[/name] (nn [name]Eli[/name]) I love E names for some reason. BUT DH cousin just had a babe and called him [name]Elijah[/name] (nn [name]Eli[/name]).
So now I am considering Ezekial nn [name]Zeke[/name] or [name]Ezra[/name] nn ??
Which one do you prefer?
Also if there is another name you think I might like please suggested it as i am having problems finding a name that suits [name]Jed[/name], for the sib-set.
The 2 [name]Ezra[/name]'s I know both get called ‘Ez’ :). I think [name]Ezekiel[/name] has a better nn option!
Other possibilities:
[name]Elisha[/name] (probably too close to [name]Elijah[/name], but they were buddies in the Bible!)
[name]Eben[/name] (a short form of [name]Ebenezer[/name], but I prefer it short since I can’t get Scrouge out of my mind when I see the long version)
My favourites from this list for you are [name]Eben[/name] & [name]Ephraim[/name]… Although [name]Eleazar[/name] would go really well with [name]Jed[/name], but maybe it’s too out there? Btw I found these names by doing a super search here on NB and choosing Hebrew boys names that start with E. There were more, but these were my favourites.
I like both [name]Ezekiel[/name] and [name]Ezra[/name]. I also like [name]Zeke[/name] as a NN for [name]Hezekiah[/name]. My sister has dibsed [name]Ezekiel[/name] though so I’m not to think about touching [name]Zeke[/name] or she’ll go off.
I also have liked [name]Eleazar[/name] for years, but almost no one alive likes that as much as I do. And I don’t mind [name]Enoch[/name], [name]Emmanuel[/name], or [name]Ephraim[/name] either. Personally I’m not a big fan of Elijah as a name.
Other (no Es) names that go well with [name]Jedidiah[/name]:
[name]Zacharias[/name], nn [name]Zach[/name]
[name]Mordecai[/name] NN [name]Cai[/name]
[name]Phineas[/name] NN Phin/[name]Finn[/name]
[name]Beauregard[/name] NN [name]Beau[/name]/[name]Bo[/name] - Not Biblical but a rolling multi-syllable name that has fallen into obscurity and has an Old South feel that pairs well with [name]Jed[/name] [name]IMO[/name].
[name]Amos[/name] NN [name]Moss[/name]. [name]Moss[/name] is also a traditional NN for [name]Moses[/name] but I find it a bit overwhelming to pair [name]Jedidiah[/name] and [name]Moses[/name].
[name]Tobias[/name] NN [name]Toby[/name]
[name]Zebulon[/name], NN [name]Zeb[/name] or [name]Zedekiah[/name] NN [name]Zed[/name].
[name]Peregrine[/name] - Another non-Biblical one.
[name]Lazarus[/name] - Actually the same basic name as [name]Eleazar[/name], but with more familiarity to many people. I’m not sure which I like more.
As boys names go I like Biblical names as well. I think [name]Ezekiel[/name] is perfect nn [name]Zeke[/name]. The little [name]Ezekiel[/name] I know is only two and we all call him [name]Zeke[/name] or Ze-key.
Of other names suggested I like [name]Zebulon[/name] nn [name]Zeb[/name] and [name]Tobias[/name] nn [name]Toby[/name] for you.
Also [name]Ezekiel[/name]'s brother is [name]Gideon[/name] nn Gid or Giddy.
I know an [name]Ezekiel[/name] who goes by [name]Zeke[/name] and he’s awesome, so that gets my vote for positive association alone. I like the name [name]Ezra[/name] a lot too!
I prefer [name]Ezra[/name] to Ezekial, but think Ezekial is a better fit for [name]Jedidiah[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are biblical names that don’t get a lot of use and which offer short, friendly nicknames ([name]Jed[/name] and [name]Zeke[/name]). The only nn I can think of for [name]Ezra[/name] is Ezzie, but that’s something I’d use as a pet name, not a nickname (that is, at home, and casually, not something I could see him using all the time at school and as he grows up).
I love old testament boys names! My nephew is named [name]Zeke[/name], just [name]Zeke[/name] which at first I wished they had chosen something longer but [name]Ezekiel[/name] is a little to clunky for me, and I do tend to like clunky! [name]Ezra[/name] is awesome. I used it as one of my 6 year olds mn’s, and do know a few now 4 and under called Ez or Ezzie for short. I really like [name]Moses[/name] with the nn [name]Mose[/name] to go with [name]Jed[/name], also [name]Gideon[/name].