All names belong to famous (and semi-famous) people born on this day throughout history. Nicknames or stage names are in parentheses. Have fun!
DH (69): Edgar Allen, William Thomas (“Thomas”), Stefan Bronisław (braw-NYEE-swaf), Laurens Pieter, Jerzy Franciszek (YEH-zhee fran-CHEE-shek) [Thorne, Warren, Król, Brouwer, Pietrzak]
-DW (66): Janis Lyn, Mary Patricia (“Patricia”), * Helene Lilian Muriel (“Lilian”) *, Nancy Conners, Lyle Minnie
–DD (39): Mary Esther, Eleanor Jane, Sarah Helen, Christina Elizabeth, Nathalie Frances
–DS/DS/DS (36): Fritz William, Anthony John, Charles Otis (“Charlie”), Malcolm James (“Mac”), Albion Keith / Grant William, Wiley Edward, Everett Glen, John Joel, Christopher Desmond (“Chris”) / James Grant, Edward Samuel, George Richard, John Martin, William Arthur
DD (39):
-DH (41): Jacques-Henri, * Mario Gilberto Agustin (“Gilberto”) *, Luis Oscar (“Lucho”), Lucien James (“Luc”), Pehr Henrik [Levesque, Blanco, Gallardo, Lachapelle, Byquist]
–DS (8): Luis Enrique, Thomas Paul (“Tommy”), Timothy Jay (“TJ”), Martin Henry, Christopher Andrew (“Chris”)
–DS (6): * Peter Paul Montgomery (“Pete”) *, William Whitfield (“Whitfield”), Julian Patrick, John David, Jose Alfredo
–DS (4): Robert William (“William”), Charles Benjamin, * Javier Felipe Ricardo *, Daniel Edward (“Dan”), John Haskell
DS (36):
-DW (35): Marguerita Maria, Shirley Marie, Mary Effie (“Effie”), Alison Ruth, * Birgitta Ingeborg Alice *
–DD (9): Catherine Louise (“Katey”), Martha Emily, Nathalie Kay (“Tippi”), Nina Mary, Winifred Kimball
–DS (5): Joseph Paul (“Joe”), Arthur Robert, Albert Louis, Dennis Alan (“Denny”), John Fitzwilliam
DS (36):
-DW (33): Mary Ida, Amy Madeline, Justyna Maria, * Jodie Lee Ann *, Andrea Donna (“Drea”)
–DS (1): John Simon, Hans Erich, Michael Patrick, Jay Robert, Jenson Alexander
DS (36):
-Dgf (32): Mary Effie (“Effie”), Maria Magdalena (“Lena”), Paula Ann, Dolly Rebecca, Margriet Francisca [Hooper, Russo, Sanders, Blair, De Lange]