All names belong to famous (and semi-famous) people born on this day throughout history. Nicknames or stage names are in parentheses. Have fun!
DH (71): Franklin Delano, Thomas Richard (“Dick”), Vasili Alexandrovich, Stephen Peter (“Steve”), Martin Henry (“Marty”) [Haywood, Wayne, Sokolov, Marsh, Lipton]
-DexW (68): Mary Dorothy (“Dorothy”), Ruth Alston, Martita Edith, Ella Cara, Carola [Brock, Long, Tucker, Nelson, Specht]
–ADS (36): John Benjamin, Sven Olof Joachim (“Olof”), Pierre-Jean, Frederick William, Juan Antonio
–DS (31): Thomas James, William Anderson, John Francis, Brooks Ulysses, Nathaniel Prentice
-DW (70): Grethe (“Greta”), Machiko, Matilda Beatrice, Dorothy Dell, Barbara Anne
–DSS (41): Thaddeus Harlan, Fred Toyosaburo, Jose Hipolito, Roger Hugh Charles, Alfonso Daniel [Bailey, Hiramatsu, Benitez, Freeman, Sosa]
–DSD (39): Lois Elsa, Teresa Ann, Livia, Luisa Fernanda, Silvia
ADS (36):
-DH (41): Sterling Rufus Webster, Richard Otto Bruno (“Bruno”), John Basil, Felix Francois, George Alfred [Parker, Gerhardt, Pierce, Blanchet, Stockton]
–ADS (5): Pedro Pablo, Chiyomatsu, Thomas Joseph, Agostino, Michal Andrzej (AN-jay)
–DS/DS (2): Joseph Henry, Anthony John (“Tony”), Arthur Olaf, Frank Lewis, Forrest Howard / Joseph Warren, Henry Clay, Daniel Bailey, Oliver Cicero, Edward Carrington
DS (31):
-DW (31): Jadwiga, Amrita, Marlies, Marta, Julie Michelle
–DS (8): Robert Henry, Joseph Matthias, Charles Martin, Alexander George, Douglas Carl
–DS (nb): Martin Christoph, Philip David Charles (“Phil”), Curtis Northrup, James Michael (“Mike”), Christian Charles Philip
DSS (41):
-DexW (37): Daphne Lee, Jemima Marcelle, Sarah Caroline (“Olivia”), Yumi, Amelia Beth [Morrow, Cleveland, Browne, Haraguchi, Townsend]
DSD (39):
-Dbf (40): Andrew Michael, * Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso *, Quentin Troy, Peter James, Erik Valdemar [Quinn, Cortez, Lovell, Thompson, Dalgaard]