Favorite baby girl names with strong culture

There are so many names I love that I feel I could never name my own daughter because they are not from my own heritage, and they have clear origins elsewhere. Here are a few like that:

Danbi (Korean, meaning “sweet rain”)
Reya (Sanskrit)
Kaya (Hopi)
Quijana (Guatemalan)

Does anyone else have names like that?

I really enjoy several Arabic names such as [name_f]Nadira[/name_f], Nayyarah, [name_f]Farah[/name_f] and [name_f]Nour[/name_f], that I wouldn’t be able to use.

The biggest one for me is probably Sacnite, but to be honest I have such a love for names of all cultures that I’m sure there are many more! I also love some African American names like [name_f]Tamika[/name_f] & [name_f]Shamika[/name_f], Kaneisha, etc. that wouldn’t really work for me.

I love Japanese girl names ending -ko, like Keiko and Sachiko. Also Satsuki!

And Cornish names like Demelza, Loveday, Kerensa, Merryn and Zennor.

And Finnish names like Esteri and Katri, and Scandinavian names like Sunniva, Lovisa, Ellisif, Svea, Inga, Dagny, Saga…

And Spanish names like Luz, Paz, Sol, Paloma and Carmen :dancer:

And French names like Manon, Apolline, Capucine, Salomé, Pomeline, Brune, Roxane, Sixtine…

And Arabic names like Zahra, Noor, Amal, Zainab, Sahar.

And Hindi or Sanskrit names like Parvati, Lakshmi, Lilavati, Saraswati, Mirabai.

Too many!

I love Japanese names! [name_f]My[/name_f] favorites are [name_f]Rin[/name_f], [name_f]Kaori[/name_f], [name_f]Misaki[/name_f] and [name_f]Sakura[/name_f].

I also have many friends and acquaintances with Arabic heritage and they have gorgeous names, such as [name_f]Alia[/name_f], [name_f]Zara[/name_f], Zahia, [name_f]Salima[/name_f].

I love Japanese names as well! I used to like quite a few names ending with the feminine “-ko” suffix, but I don’t really like them as much now because they sound quite dated/old-fashioned.

It’s fun to make up girl names in Japanese because of how each kanji/character can have a variety of readings/pronunciations for you to choose from.

Some Japanese names I like are:

「凛」 : dignified, cold

「遥」 : distant
「春香」 : spring fragrance
「春花」 : spring flower

「静」 : quiet, calm

「楓」 : maple

「望」 : wish, hope, desire
「希」 : hope, rare, request

「 冨江」 : 冨 meaning wealthy, abundant, 江 meaning creek, inlet, bay

「時雨」 : with the kanji for “time” and “rain”, it means rain shower (typically referring to rain in autumn or winter)

「紫」 : purple

「紅」 : crimson