
Hi berries!

I was thinking today about how much the word and idea of joy has been popping up in my life, so I started looking into baby names meaning joyous or happy. There are a ton, and I was originally looking for a girl name (Allegra, for example), but then I stumbled upon this and I love it! I’ve always liked similar names, like Fabiano, Fernando, etc. but I just love this one.

So what do you think of Feliciano? What about the combo Feliciano Juan? And what nicknames do you like best? TIA! :blush:


It’s gorgeous! Beautiful and sounds as joyful as its meaning. Could [name_m]Felix[/name_m] work for short?

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[name_m]Feliciano[/name_m] has flair and brightness. [name_m]Feliciano[/name_m] [name_m]Juan[/name_m] is handsome!

[name_m]Feliciano[/name_m] nn Ano, [name_f]Flick[/name_f], [name_u]Fee[/name_u]?


Oh I really love [name_f]Flick[/name_f]! I’ve always liked it for [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] but never considered it for a boy. I actually think it makes way more sense on a boy!

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Thank you! I love [name_m]Felix[/name_m]. It could definitely work, though I’m not a huge fan of the fact that everyone would just assume he was [name_m]Felix[/name_m] and not [name_m]Feliciano[/name_m].

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Feliciano Juan is stunning!! Love it

P.s.: For a nn you could use Ian

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[name_m]Feliciano[/name_m] is really nice! I love how smooth [name_m]Feliciano[/name_m] [name_m]Juan[/name_m] is!

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Thank you! I like Ian!!

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Thank you so much! I love that you called it smooth that’s definitely the vibe I was going for. :slight_smile:

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