Female character needs a name!

The character in question, who will go by the name Girl until she is properly named, comes from an upper middle class, Catholic back ground. Her name shouldn’t be very common, but not very unusual. Her parents are a bit conservative, maybe old-fashioned in naming her.

She’s a daydreamer, good-natured, scatterbrained, fails a lot of school. She drops out quite young, goes back to school, drops out again, etc. She’s a bit lost like [name]Holden[/name] Caulfield, but without the cynicism and angst. She’s painfully unaware of how her behaviour appears to others.

I don’t want any frilly names.

I’ll star my favs for this character

[name]Edith[/name] *
[name]Temperance[/name] (nn [name]Tempie[/name])
[name]Ethel[/name] *
[name]Mildred[/name] (nn [name]Millie[/name])
[name]Joyce[/name] *
[name]Maude[/name] *
[name]Winifred[/name] (nn [name]Freddie[/name])

These could be options. I love “[name]Alice[/name]” and “[name]Ruth[/name]” would be good, but I’m using [name]Alice[/name] for a different character and my mother’s name is [name]Ruth[/name], so it would be awkward. As for [name]Jeane[/name]- maybe something elongated from that, like [name]Jeanine[/name], [name]Jeanette[/name], etc.

[name]Edith[/name] *
[name]Temperance[/name] (nn [name]Tempie[/name])

[name]Katherine[/name] nn [name]Kat[/name]
[name]Elizabeth[/name] nn [name]Lizzie[/name]

Off the top of my head - BTW [name]Agatha[/name] was the first to come to mind but was already suggested.


[name]Just[/name] a thought- [name]Temperance[/name] is the name of the main female character in “Bones”, the popular tv show about crime investigation. [name]Temperance[/name] [name]Brennan[/name] is called “Bones” so the name [name]Temperance[/name] might not have the immeadiate connotation, but I thought it was worth mentioning as I always think of Bones when I hear [name]Temperance[/name] (her dad calls her [name]Tempie[/name] too).