Female version of Benjamin?

My maiden name is [name]Benjamin[/name] and we’d always planned on using it as a middle name for a boy. We’re expecting #2 and plan on using [name]Alice[/name] as our girl’s name, but can’t come up with a middle name. Are there any female versions of “[name]Benjamin[/name]” that would be appropriate? I only want to use something significant or family-related as a middle name. Thanks!


I believe [name]Benjamine[/name] and [name]Benjamina[/name] are the only direct feminizations of [name]Benjamin[/name], but you could use [name]Benita[/name], a feminine form of [name]Benedict[/name].

I know someone named after her uncle [name]Benjamin[/name], her middle name is [name]Benny[/name]. :slight_smile:

I heard someone say [name]Jemima[/name] came from [name]Benjamin[/name] but I could be wrong. Something to look into, I guess?

No, [name]Jemima[/name] does not come from [name]Benjamin[/name]. It’s a completely seperate name. Prehaps you mean [name]Jamina[/name]?

I would use [name]Benjamin[/name] as is in the middle. It’s your maiden name, so I wouldn’t muddle it up with variations. [name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] sounds very sensible and classy.

I very much agree. My middle name is [name]Alexander[/name], which my mom’s maiden name. It wouldn’t hold half of the family significance for me if it had been a ‘female form’ of the name. I’m sure others feel differently, but as for me, I am glad I have my mom’s actual maiden name, [name]Alexander[/name], and not a variation like [name]Alexis[/name] or [name]Alexandria[/name].

Also, it’s very traditional where I live (in the south) for a daughter to have her mom’s maiden name as her middle name (or even her first name). I don’t think anyone would bat an eye at you using [name]Benjamin[/name]. And I agree with Phoebesmom again, I too think that [name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] sounds very classy and I think it’s actually adorable for a little girl and flows well.

[name]Just[/name] my two cents as someone with their mom’s maiden name as their middle name. :slight_smile:

I very much agree. My middle name is [name]Alexander[/name], which my mom’s maiden name. It wouldn’t hold half of the family significance for me if it had been a ‘female form’ of the name. I’m sure others feel differently, but as for me, I am glad I have my mom’s actual maiden name, [name]Alexander[/name], and not a variation like [name]Alexis[/name] or [name]Alexandria[/name].

Also, it’s very traditional where I live (in the south) for a daughter to have her mom’s maiden name as her middle name (or even her first name). I don’t think anyone would bat an eye at you using [name]Benjamin[/name]. And I agree with Phoebesmom again, I too think that [name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] sounds very classy and I think it’s actually adorable for a little girl and flows well.

[name]Just[/name] my two cents as someone with their mom’s maiden name as their middle name. :)[/quote]

You can always pick out us Southerners on this issue!

Names related (in sound) to [name]Ben[/name]:

[name]Alice[/name] [name]Benicia[/name]
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Benedicta[/name]
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Benna[/name]

Names related (in sound) to -jamin:

[name]Alice[/name] [name]Jasmine[/name]
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Jemima[/name]
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Jamina[/name]

I had never heard of [name]Benjamine[/name] as a feminization of [name]Benjamin[/name]. In fact, I work for the judicial system and we kept having an attorney with the name [name]Benjamine[/name] filing things and the name always stuck out to me as an odd spelling of [name]Benjamin[/name]. When I read your post, I thought, oh, okay I guess it’s a girl then. But I actually looked up the attorney today, and [name]Benjamine[/name] is very much a man! Maybe his mom didn’t get the memo.

Anyhow, I had never heard of it before and I just assumed it was a man with a different spelling.

There may be a male [name]Benjamine[/name], but I’m positive that it’s a French feminine variant.

I agree with the Southerners:) Definitely use the name [name]Benjamin[/name] as a middle name! Having such a girlie name like [name]Alice[/name] paired with [name]Benjamin[/name] is so refreshing, and also tradtional to keep your maiden name within your child’s name!

I don’t doubt you but I never heard it before and this name kept popping out at me, but when I checked lo and behold, it was a guy. I don’t doubt that it’s used to feminize [name]Benjamin[/name], but it’s just interesting that it popped up at work, even though the guy was using it wrong!

Since [name]Benjamin[/name] is your maiden name, and I’m from the South, I say use [name]Benjamin[/name] as the middle name.

Another Southerner chiming in favor for [name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name]. Growing up I even envied all the [name]Jane[/name] [name]Crosby[/name]'s and [name]Mary[/name] [name]Hooper[/name]'s.

There are even plenty of girls with single names, after their Mother’s maiden names, like [name]Smith[/name] or [name]Harper[/name] or [name]Vance[/name].

I think [name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] is super cute! My sister and little cousin both have the middle name [name]Lee[/name] after our mothers’ maiden name.

The only name I can think of to add is [name]Bennett[/name]. I’ve read its unisex, but I’ve only ever heard it on boys.

[name]Alice[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] is best! GL!

This is a real name, a short form of [name]Benjamina[/name]. I like it.