What would be some of the most commonly known feminized versions of [name]James[/name]? The most important thing for me in my name hunt has been to somehow honour my grandfather…who was [name]Jim[/name] ([name]James[/name]). But having a girl, I’ve been trying to incorporate his mother or sister’s names but wondering if there’s any nice way to actually incorporate the name [name]James[/name]. I am thinking for middle name purposes. [name]Just[/name] looking for some brainstorming…I have a feeling I won’t like any but just wanted to try.
[name]Jamie[/name] ?
[name]Jemma[/name] ?
[name]Jamie[/name] seems like the most common, and easiest associated with [name]James[/name] [name]IMO[/name] <3
Good luck!
You could just use [name]James[/name] as the middle like [name]Jesse[/name] [name]James[/name].
Other options:
[name]Gemma[/name] is the only name that comes to mind, except [name]Jamie[/name], but I’m sure you’ve thought of that one. BUT what I really think is why not just use [name]James[/name]? I’m normally not a fan of boys’ names on girls, but this is for honoring purposes AND it’s in the middle. I think using [name]James[/name] would be cute and sweet because of the meaning behind it. [name]Just[/name] a thought. Or you could use his last name or middle name as her middle name if they work better.
[name]Jaime[/name]/[name]Jaimie[/name] - most popular.
[name]Jamesina[/name] - Rather antique but interesting.
[name]Jacoba[/name] - [name]James[/name] is derived from [name]Jacob[/name]. [name]Don[/name]'t know if this is anyone’s taste, though.
Nameberry seems to like [name]Jameson[/name] for a girl but I don’t think that makes it look any more feminine.
I love the idea of just using [name]James[/name] to be honest…not sure I could sell my super picky husband on it. But I am going to try. I think if the first name is very feminine then [name]James[/name] might work as middle. His middle name was [name]Albert[/name] so that’s def out ahah And his last name (my maiden name)actually rhymes w/ my married name so that won’t work either haha. Thanks for the ideas though. There are certainly some interesting options.
I would think that [name]Jamie[/name] would be the most ‘common’, but techinally I think its [name]Jamesina[/name]. A variant of [name]Jamesina[/name] is [name]Jamesetta[/name]/[name]Jamesette[/name].
[name]Jaqueline[/name] is the feminine form of [name]Jacques[/name], which is French for [name]James[/name] / [name]Jacob[/name]
And if you wanted to take the [name]Jacob[/name] route, there’s also [name]Jacoba[/name].
But if it’s for middle name/honouring purposes, to be truthful I’d stick with [name]James[/name]. I strongly despise boys names on girls; but in the middle spot I’m up for anything.
ETA: [name]Just[/name] saw your last post. As you can see above, I agree about [name]James[/name]. Keep working.
And FWIW, I love [name]Albert[/name] :oops:
ha! [name]Albert[/name] is not bad I suppose…but def not as a girl middle name! [name]James[/name] is doable though!
[name]Jem[/name] is a nickname of [name]James[/name]…I think it would be really cute in the middle!
Or, why not use [name]James[/name] itself as a middle? I don’t think that there is anything wrong with using a masculine name in the middle for a girl if you are doing it to honour someone special to you.
I love [name]Jacqueline[/name], actually!
But only spelled that way. I don’t really care for [name]Jaquelyn[/name], [name]Jaclyn[/name], [name]Jacklyn[/name], Jaklin, etc. But spelled properly its rather regal.
I do think [name]James[/name] works okay as a middle name: I would prefer it to [name]Jameson[/name], that’s for sure.
[name]Jacqueline[/name], Giachetta, [name]Jaci[/name], Zaklina, [name]Jaime[/name], [name]Jaylee[/name], [name]Jayla[/name], Jayma, Coba, etc…