I was thinking (three minutes ago) about fictional characters who might have found themselves on Nameberry for various reasons. Who would like this site? Why?
I posit that [name_u]Anne[/name_u] of [name_u]Green[/name_u] Gables would have loved this site for several reasons.
-She has opinions about the spelling of her name and the connotations of it; she frequently insists on spelling her name with an E because it looks better and is insulted when people spell it ‘[name_f]Ann[/name_f],’
-She introduces herself to [name_f]Marilla[/name_f] asking to be called [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] because she loves that name and confesses that she loves to think of different names for herself,
-She has opinions about other people’s names, such as her parents and [name_f]Diana[/name_f],
-She is a writer and takes great joy in naming characters and places.
Who else would be a name nerd?
Definitely Anne!!!
Jane Letitia Penderwick (The Penderwicks series). She is very romantic and loves writing and reading, hoping to become a famous author someday. She would frequent the writers corner. I mean, she named her books’ heroine Sabrina Starr, cool name there!
Pollyanna (Pollyanna) She thinks her name is plain and she doesn;t really like it. She is very daydreamy and has a great imagination, she would love whimsical names. She also says she wouldn’t want to be named Hepzibah and mentions names several times in the book.
Jane is a fantastic choice! I don’t know [name_f]Pollyanna[/name_f] well, but I definitely agree with her on the issue of [name_f]Hepzibah[/name_f].
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I think [name_u]Anne[/name_u] talks about a [name_f]Hepzibah[/name_f] as well…
I don’t agree with [name_u]Anne[/name_u] on all of her name opinions, but I can get behind that one.
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her children have beautiful names
That’s true. I’m not a huge fan of [name_f]Bertha[/name_f], and am neutral about [name_m]Walter[/name_m], but I liked all of the other names. Gilbert’s also a name that I feel guilty about not liking much because it’s so great in so many respects (classic, easy to spell, relatively uncommon, good connection to literature, ages well), but I can’t get behind yet.
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While we’re in the classics, I bet that [name_f]Amy[/name_f] from [name_m]Little[/name_m] Women would have liked it because she just seems like that type of person- creative and such.
She probably would have! [name_f]Beth[/name_f] was the perfect name for [name_f]Amy[/name_f]’s daughter, but I’m sure if she and [name_u]Laurie[/name_u] had had a second child, she would have worked hard to find the perfect name. I think all of the sisters would have liked it when they wrote stories for their paper, and [name_u]Jo[/name_u] would have continued for more dramatic strains of writing.
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Anne definitely would have been a name nerd!!
Probably [name_u]Jo[/name_u] from [name_m]Little[/name_m] Women, too.
And [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f] from [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f] of Sunnybrook farm!
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Loveday [name_f]Minette[/name_f] from The [name_m]Little[/name_m] White Horse.
First of all, her name! WOW!! She named her son [name_u]Robin[/name_u], which is soo handsome. She just has that vibe of a whimsical name lover too.
I didn’t think of [name_f]Rebecca[/name_f]!
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My guess is that as she got older, she still loved those names but wanted her children to have names that honored people and that [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] liked. I don’t really know!
yeah gilbert doesn’t strike me as a name nerd
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I keep thinking of the Borrowers. Their names are quite interesting, I think they are name nerds. I mean Homily and Arietty? Hendreary and Pod? Lupy? Super cool! They are very creative and would love to make up new names. They would love nameberry!
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True! [name_f]Arrietty[/name_f] has even become a name that people use!
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