Final two names!

We currently have a daughter 4 Cameron Mackenzie nn Cam and a son 2 Boston Scott nn Bo. We are expecting a boy and are down to the following two names:

Bear Robert or Brooks Robert.

Which do you like better?

Thanks for your thoughts.


Definitely [name_u]Brooks[/name_u]. I can’t imagine naming a child [name_u]Bear[/name_u].

Maybe that makes you want to lean more toward doing something daring though!

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I like [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] much better for the simple reason that I couldn’t name a child after an animal.
However, both are adventurous and wild, and you could go for either one!

definitely Brooks; [name_u]Bear[/name_u] doesn’t feel like a name to me, and i imagine people might make inappropriate jokes about that name when he’s older


[name_u]Brooks[/name_u] - I feel like it flows well with siblings’ names and has better nickname potential. Personally, [name_u]Bear[/name_u] feels like a bit of a big jump from [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] and [name_u]Boston[/name_u]

I prefer [name_u]Brooks[/name_u]! I think it goes better with [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] & [name_u]Boston[/name_u]. I also like [name_u]Bear[/name_u] as a nickname rather than the full first name (such as [name_u]Barrett[/name_u] nn Bear).

[name_u]Brooks[/name_u]. I’m not liking [name_u]Bear[/name_u] as a first name. It gives me the “bare with me” vibes…. Like you’re thinking nature connection. But I’m hearing it like you’re just trying to survive the kid.

Another vote for [name_u]Brooks[/name_u]! [name_u]Bear[/name_u] could totally work as a nn for [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u], though, I think. That would be the best way to get to [name_u]Bear[/name_u] (and that way you get both your favourite names).

[name_u]Brooks[/name_u] Robert!! I think it flows best and it just has this really cool but solid feel!

[name_u]Brooks[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] :herb:

I really like [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] he’s outdoorsy and handsome.


I prefer [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] to [name_u]Bear[/name_u].

I’m the odd one out but I prefer [name_u]Bear[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u]! Although [name_u]Bear[/name_u] could always be a nickname

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I prefer [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] because it feels more cohesive with [name_u]Boston[/name_u] and [name_u]Cameron[/name_u].

[name_u]Brooks[/name_u]! I think it goes better with the sibling’s names.

While I prefer the combo [name_u]Bear[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] overall, I’d use it in a different sibset and go with [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] in this context.

It goes better with [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] and [name_u]Boston[/name_u] in my opinion.

(additional, unasked for extra thought, but I would consider [name_u]Robert[/name_u] in the first spot, and consider [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] as the middle, to avoid similarities between [name_u]Boston[/name_u] “Bo” and [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] as siblings.)

I really do love [name_u]Bear[/name_u]. It has a strong association to it and it’s the main character’s name in the show Reservation Dogs!


Kind of silly but [name_u]Bear[/name_u] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] for some reason makes me want to pronounce [name_u]Robert[/name_u] the [name_u]French[/name_u] way so it would be [name_u]Bear[/name_u] roe-bear!