This post will likely be long, so my apologies to whoever reads it, but, I am really curious about what this ‘new style’ of mine falls into (it’s not entirely new, but more of a flashback? I’ll explain further shortly).
So, yesterday, I realised that, because I honestly take a lot of silly things to heart, that I should likely ignore (like abusive comments on Mumsnet, sorry to call the site out, but not really sorry, and opinions/likes/dislikes from others), and because of this, I’m feeling as though my name list is entirely skewed by that. I really don’t know what I love anymore if I’m honest, and I’ve currently begun the process of starting fresh - but I have no idea where to start.
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I look to the tried and true favourites?
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I pick one style and run with it?
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I follow the general rule of ‘nothing unisex’ and ‘no made up spellings’?
I have discovered that I love a small handful of girls names, but some are names I didn’t really think I’d consider for my girls list, because, well, they’re names I haven’t liked in a while, and are unisex, or spelled differently, etc. I’m not sure what style bracket they even fall into, but I’m starting to think it’s a good place to start.
The names are tentatively:
I would personally class them as like, girly, English, bubbly type names, but I’m not sure if that’s how everyone else would see them?
Basically, I’m wondering what style that tentative list (I’m planning on going through more names, I currently have a list of approximately 300 names to go through, I basically do a name dump and then slowly weed them out one by one) falls into. [name_m]How[/name_m] would you describe it?
Also, do you have any tips on how to decide what names you truly like/love?
Thanks so much!