I love [name]Fiona[/name]! She is number two on my list. [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] is my favourite and is actually on my own list. [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] is lovely too. My personal favourite nicknames are [name]Fia[/name] and [name]Fifi[/name]. But [name]Fina[/name] and [name]Fee[/name] are also great! I think that [name]Robert[/name] ([name]Robby[/name]), [name]Violet[/name] ([name]Vi[/name]) and [name]Fiona[/name] ([name]Fina[/name]) make a superb sibset! You really can’t go wrong with this name
I love [name]Fiona[/name], nn [name]Fee[/name]…one of my favorite novels is The [name]Thorn[/name] Birds, and the mother’s name is [name]Fiona[/name] with the nn [name]Fee[/name]. A good, strong Scottish/Irish name! I don’t even think of Shrek when I hear [name]Fiona[/name], and I bet a lot of other people wouldn’t, either.
yeah, I bet most people wouldn’t even think of shrek. I just know that I will get that comment sometimes, kwim? And it would just irritate me so much, haha. And that’s the other thing, I looove scottish/celtic names, but it reeaaally doesn’t go well with my last name. It’s not a huge deal, just something I like to consider with that name. Still in the running but the nn fina is totally out as it really doesn’t get rave reviews at all ;). So [name]Fiona[/name] nn [name]Fee[/name] would be it for sure.
There is also a character from the 90’s Disney show “So Weird” named [name]Fiona[/name] that went exclusively by “Fi/[name]Fee[/name]”
[name]Fiona[/name] is an established name. It’s in many things beyond Shrek and it’s used in history. Think of it compared to a name like [name]Ariel[/name] or [name]Cinderella[/name]. Sure, they are more “princessy” (though [name]Fiona[/name] is a princess too!) but I don’t know if I’d want that constant connection for my child.
I do think it’s annoying to have to hear the “oh, like the girl ogre from Shrek?” over and over, but there are [name]WAY[/name] worse things! A little girl, maybe she was 2 yrs old when Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name] hit… forever in her life now, she is going to hear “like the hurricane?” Then there is the name [name]Quinn[/name] of Glee fame. the babies born right now are instantly being associated with it. The 5 year olds and their parents are annoyed that a pop-culture show “stole” their name! There were Fionas before Shrek. There is a 13 yr old girl in my kids homeschool group named [name]Fiona[/name] as a matter of fact.
[name]Just[/name] for reference, my [name]Fiona[/name] is only 4 months old so she doesn’t really know many people (lol), but no one has brought up Shrek at all! I do however, get “Oh [name]Alice[/name], like [name]Alice[/name] in Wonderland” quite a bit though. :!: And people love to bring up Gone with the Wind references to my oldest daughter.
[name]Love[/name], love, love… I hope that when my husband and I start trying that I have a girl just so I can use this name. I never really considered it until I say the TV show [name]Burn[/name] Notice. The main female character is [name]Fiona[/name], but called Fi. I love that such a pretty, feminine name has such a spunky nn. I will say though that I have floated the name out there with some close friends and my mom and have gotten the shrek reference… but by the time your daughter (and certainly any of my future children) are in school I’m thinking that reference won’t be as relevant anymore.
aw, thanks guys! You have eased my fears a LOT. And I agree, I doubt it will be a big deal at all. I might get the occasional comment but it’s not going to be often. This site is awesome and really gives me the big picture about a name. The name taste on this site is just incredible. Really, you girls are amazing. So [name]Fiona[/name] will be staying on my list for sure. Hearing about real world experiences helps so much! And that comparison to other disney names helps a lot as well. [name]Fiona[/name] doesn’t even compare to that level of “disney princess” since it has so much history to back it up. It’s a beautiful name
I think [name]Fiona[/name] has so moved beyond Shrek.
First of all, they are not making anymore of those movies so you do not need to worry about a movie poster when she reaches school!
Secondly, you are not naming her [name]Briar[/name] [name]Rose[/name]!
If you are at all worried, go with the Irish [name]Fianna[/name] (pronounced [name]Fee[/name] - na) and nn her Fi/ [name]Fee[/name]. It is a beautiful name! [name]Both[/name] of them.
My mom’s name is [name]Fiona[/name] and she gets many compliments. I’m planning on using it as a MN someday. I love [name]Fee[/name], it’s so adorable, and even [name]Fifi[/name] when she goes through her fairy princess phase.