Thanks everyone!
@somemelodioussonnet - ohh Ronan Lionheart is brilliant, but for some reason I’m not loving -n names with Lionheart (maybe the n ending for the lion part of Lionheart?). I also have Rowan in my top 4 so I always deprive myself of Ronan as I don’t see him ever replacing Rowan in my heart.
@cms1512 - I guess that’s a good point, with Lionheart it’s partially an honor for my nephew, at one time I called him Lev (which means “lion” in one language and “heart” in another), and also very reminiscent to Aslan and his symbolism of God. I guess Richard the Lionheart is what most people would go to, and I probably should’ve considered that. (In a way, that makes me love it even more… as my surname is very closely related to the first name Richard, lol!) I do like your suggestion of Nathaniel Lionheart; I’ve often considered Nathaniel to honor my sister (N@talie), but I do think Nathaniel’s too similar to her name to actually use up front. I do think he’s super handsome, though!
@greyblue - thanks girl! I do like just Tor Lionheart a lot, but I feel like the average American won’t get Tor? I love that it’s a Hebrew name, and Thor was always my favorite Avenger, I sort of like the tie to that, and I think Tor’s lots of fun to say, but I’m less confident that I could use it on my own unless I marry an Israeli or a Scandinavian lol. If I wasn’t so tied to Caspar Nathaniel Eden, I would like Casper Lionheart, I think, and Soren/Eben are so lovely but again… I just don’t like -an/en/in names with Lionheart? Wish I did lol.
@tori101/@Ehrob1 - Thanks you two! I do like him a lot, too, I think if I didn’t fall so fast for Cyrus Lionheart, Finley Lionheart would be a close second. I almost feel like he doesn’t have enough gravitas for Lionheart, but I do like the pairing!
@river_dweller - thanks girl! None of those are really my style, but thanks for trying 
@ladyofthetower - thanks girl! Ambrose almost just feels too timeless/European for a wordname like Lionheart? I want to like him but he just falls flat. I think Ambrose is going to be a hard one for me to pair up. I did consider Amias Lionheart, but I’ve got Amias Frederic tentatively on my list, and prefer that I think! Good to know you like Amias and Frederic with Lionheart; maybe that means they go equally well with each other
That’s a fair point; I always struggle with Phineas because I think of Eli’s son; he’s a much less savory association. And ahh, that’s ok, Caspar’s actually my favorite boys’ name and I have a firm combo solidified (Caspar Nathaniel Eden!). I think Ignatius is firmly out as at least a FN for me, even though I love it; I’ve got Lorcan Ignatius Jack tentatively on my list but I don’t even know if I can go there with Ignatius as a middle. Love Esmond Lionheart for you, though - what a great name!
@may.rose - thanks girl! I so wanted to love Asa Lionheart, but he just doesn’t feel right. I may end up having to use a ridiculously boring combo like Asa David or Asa Alexander for my beloved Asa - I really don’t love him with anything (except David. But Asa David feels so boring lol). Jude Lionheart is really handsome, I like that it plays up the “Lion of Judah” title for Jesus, but I doubt I can be talked out of my beloved Judah Theophile Grey.
@AmyVermeersch - thanks girl! I think Cyrus Lionheart is the one, I fell for him so fast haha.
@shanade213 - thanks girl! You’re on the right track, I adore Toby, Sebastian, Caspian, and Percy, but don’t know if I would use Toby/Caspian/Percy, and I am pretty sure I have a combo for Sebastian (Sebastian Floris Arthur/Sebastian Floris Jan). I appreciate the thoughts for Tor, too, they work really well… if only I liked Salvator or Victor! Maybe one day I’ll have my beloved Tor worked out.