First name for Lionheart?

Hi berries!

I was recently reminded of this name; it’s so meaningful to me and I love him a lot. I’ve been thinking about fitting him on my list; what do you think of these combos, and do you have any other ideas for a first name for Lionheart?

Ambrose Lionheart
Bram Lionheart
Cyrus Lionheart
Jack Lionheart
Finley Lionheart
Tor Lionheart (or maybe Torin? I like the idea of Tor(in) + Lionheart but I don’t know that I love them back to back)

I think Cyrus Lionheart is my favorite right now… but I am open to ideas!

Thanks berries!


Ohh I really like [name_u]Finley[/name_u] Lionheart


I like [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] Lionheart.

Other ideas:

[name_m]Cassius[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_u]Derin[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_m]Eugene[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Gianluca[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_u]Henry[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_m]Odin[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Renato[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Ronan[/name_m] Lionheart


I think [name_m]Ambrose[/name_m] is the only one IMO that is strong/regal enough in both sound and historical rooting to stand with Lionheart.


[name_m]Alexander[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Hadrian[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Osbourne[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Xavier[/name_m] Lionheart

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[name_m]Ambrose[/name_m] Lionheart is so powerful and cool . [name_m]Bram[/name_m] Lionheart is magical and I like the lighter feel of [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] Lionheart too! [name_m]Tor[/name_m] Lionheart is powerful too - I’m not sure on [name_m]Torin[/name_m] and Lionheart together for some reason

I think I like [name_m]Bram[/name_m] Lionheart best, but [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] is also fabulous.

[name_m]Phineas[/name_m] Lionheart,
[name_m]Cedric[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Soren[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Eben[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Casper[/name_m] Lionheart


I agree with @Ehrob1 [name_u]Finley[/name_u] Lionheart is gorgeous!

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[name_m]Bram[/name_m] and [name_u]Jack[/name_u] Lionheart!

[name_m]Leif[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Edwin[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Victor[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Claudius[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Hank[/name_m] Lionheart

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Ambrose Lionheart is exceptional for meaning and look/sound!!!

Cyrus Lionheart has a great sound to it as well!

Definitely for me the first name needs to have substance, a certain elegance, a majestic or old-world feel to it and strength. Nothing too cute or modern sounding (those are my feelings, at least!)

For me Finley doesn’t sound strong, regal, or elegant enough next to Lionheart and seems more modern/cute. (Maybe it’s the “ley” ending?)

What about…(all pairs with wonderful meanings as well);

Jasper Lionheart
Amias Lionheart
Benedict Lionheart
Benoit Lionheart
Eliseo Lionheart
Elio Lionheart
Eleos Lionheart
Florian Lionheart
Frederic Lionheart
Emeric Lionheart
Kendric Lionheart
Christopher Lionheart
Matthias Lionheart
Vincent Lionheart
Charles Lionheart
Cashel Lionheart
Thaddeus Lionheart

I also like the suggestion from @Greyblue of Phineas (the zeal of Phinehas against the Baal Peor worship in the OT adds to the Lionheart picture.) And I was going to suggest Casper (another of my own favorites) but the ghost connection w/ Lionheart may be too much?

I also second Alexander Lionheart.

My own combos (hoping to use one of these in the future!!!)

Hugo Lionheart (Hugo is the only boy name I’d consider using that’s in the top 1000 because of the beautiful meaning!) I always liked Valentine Hugo but not sure I’d actually go for Valentine because of the pagan connections to Valentine’s Day (though I don’t think that the name itself originated there).

Ignatius Lionheart (Ignatius Christopher is my top favorite though).

Wilfred Lionheart (trying to balance out the clunky “old-man” sound Wilfred has to people haha!)

Prosper Lionheart

Esmond Lionheart (my only favorite middle for Esmond! It really feels like Lionheart belongs to Esmond for my bunch!)

Probably least likely to use Prosper or Wilfred, though the meanings are beautiful!


I also I agree that for a short first [name_m]Bram[/name_m] definitely pairs up nicely with Lionheart! (a nickname I like for [name_m]Bramwell[/name_m] too!)

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[name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] is lovely with Lionheart!

[name_u]Asa[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_m]Cedric[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Casper[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Sylvan[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_u]Wesley[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_u]Fionn[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_u]Jude[/name_u] Lionheart

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Lionheart is such a fun name!

[name_m]Ambrose[/name_m] Lionheart, [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] Lionheart, and [name_u]Finley[/name_u] Lionheart are really standing out to me.

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[name_m]Salvator[/name_m] Lionheart nn [name_m]Tor[/name_m]
[name_m]Victor[/name_m] Lionheart nn [name_m]Tor[/name_m]
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_u]Cecil[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_m]Caspian[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Lucien[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Warren[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_u]Ennis[/name_u] Lionheart
[name_m]Perseus[/name_m] Lionheart
[name_m]Atticus[/name_m] Lionheart

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Thanks everyone!

@somemelodioussonnet - ohh Ronan Lionheart is brilliant, but for some reason I’m not loving -n names with Lionheart (maybe the n ending for the lion part of Lionheart?). I also have Rowan in my top 4 so I always deprive myself of Ronan as I don’t see him ever replacing Rowan in my heart.

@cms1512 - I guess that’s a good point, with Lionheart it’s partially an honor for my nephew, at one time I called him Lev (which means “lion” in one language and “heart” in another), and also very reminiscent to Aslan and his symbolism of God. I guess Richard the Lionheart is what most people would go to, and I probably should’ve considered that. (In a way, that makes me love it even more… as my surname is very closely related to the first name Richard, lol!) I do like your suggestion of Nathaniel Lionheart; I’ve often considered Nathaniel to honor my sister (N@talie), but I do think Nathaniel’s too similar to her name to actually use up front. I do think he’s super handsome, though!

@greyblue - thanks girl! I do like just Tor Lionheart a lot, but I feel like the average American won’t get Tor? I love that it’s a Hebrew name, and Thor was always my favorite Avenger, I sort of like the tie to that, and I think Tor’s lots of fun to say, but I’m less confident that I could use it on my own unless I marry an Israeli or a Scandinavian lol. If I wasn’t so tied to Caspar Nathaniel Eden, I would like Casper Lionheart, I think, and Soren/Eben are so lovely but again… I just don’t like -an/en/in names with Lionheart? Wish I did lol.

@tori101/@Ehrob1 - Thanks you two! I do like him a lot, too, I think if I didn’t fall so fast for Cyrus Lionheart, Finley Lionheart would be a close second. I almost feel like he doesn’t have enough gravitas for Lionheart, but I do like the pairing!

@river_dweller - thanks girl! None of those are really my style, but thanks for trying :heart:

@ladyofthetower - thanks girl! Ambrose almost just feels too timeless/European for a wordname like Lionheart? I want to like him but he just falls flat. I think Ambrose is going to be a hard one for me to pair up. I did consider Amias Lionheart, but I’ve got Amias Frederic tentatively on my list, and prefer that I think! Good to know you like Amias and Frederic with Lionheart; maybe that means they go equally well with each other :rofl: That’s a fair point; I always struggle with Phineas because I think of Eli’s son; he’s a much less savory association. And ahh, that’s ok, Caspar’s actually my favorite boys’ name and I have a firm combo solidified (Caspar Nathaniel Eden!). I think Ignatius is firmly out as at least a FN for me, even though I love it; I’ve got Lorcan Ignatius Jack tentatively on my list but I don’t even know if I can go there with Ignatius as a middle. Love Esmond Lionheart for you, though - what a great name!

@may.rose - thanks girl! I so wanted to love Asa Lionheart, but he just doesn’t feel right. I may end up having to use a ridiculously boring combo like Asa David or Asa Alexander for my beloved Asa - I really don’t love him with anything (except David. But Asa David feels so boring lol). Jude Lionheart is really handsome, I like that it plays up the “Lion of Judah” title for Jesus, but I doubt I can be talked out of my beloved Judah Theophile Grey.

@AmyVermeersch - thanks girl! I think Cyrus Lionheart is the one, I fell for him so fast haha.

@shanade213 - thanks girl! You’re on the right track, I adore Toby, Sebastian, Caspian, and Percy, but don’t know if I would use Toby/Caspian/Percy, and I am pretty sure I have a combo for Sebastian (Sebastian Floris Arthur/Sebastian Floris Jan). I appreciate the thoughts for Tor, too, they work really well… if only I liked Salvator or Victor! Maybe one day I’ll have my beloved Tor worked out.