My husband and I already know we want our son’s middle name to be [name]Gerard[/name] after my grandfather, but we are having no luck settling on a first name. Our first son is named [name]Wells[/name], our last name is [name]Monroe[/name]. That name came so easily to us, but we are really stumped with this second boy. Here is the list I am considering now -
[name]Desmond[/name] ([name]Desi[/name] or [name]Dez[/name] as a nickname)
I love [name]Wells[/name]. I, generally, like family names. For this reason and for the best complimentary feel with [name]Wells[/name], I think [name]Ferris[/name] and [name]Harris[/name] are my favourites. I really love [name]Ellis[/name] but think it sounds too much like [name]Wells[/name]. I know an [name]Ellis[/name] who has been called Ells his entire life, they just sort of run together. Great options!
[name]Desmond[/name]: I really don;t care for it, and the nicknames [name]Desi[/name] or [name]Dez[/name] seem girly.
[name]Ferris[/name]: I like this one and I think [name]Ferris[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] sounds really good.
[name]Ellis[/name]: it’s ok, but I’m not big into unisex names for boys. Like [name]Ferris[/name], it does go well with [name]Gerard[/name] though
[name]Rory[/name]: I love the name [name]Rory[/name]! I don’t think it flows quite as well with [name]Gerard[/name] (I think it’s all the Rs) but it’s definitely my fav first name from your list, and [name]Rory[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] is still good, as long as the repitition of the r sound doesn’t bug you.
[name]Harris[/name]: This is my favorite “s” ending name from your list. [name]Harris[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] is great! I think this one is my favorite
[name]Declan[/name]: [name]Declan[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] is nice
[name]Marcel[/name]: not my fav name, and I don’t think [name]Marcel[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] flows that well either
[name]Quincy[/name]: great nickname of [name]Quin[/name] and it sounds good with [name]Gerard[/name]. [name]Quincy[/name] [name]Gerard[/name].
I would eliminate a couple of names on your list right off the bat because they are too similar to [name]Wells[/name] (goodbye, [name]Ellis[/name] and [name]Marcel[/name]). [name]Ferris[/name] is too associated with ferris wheels and the film “[name]Ferris[/name] [name]Bueller[/name]'s [name]Day[/name] Off”. [name]Rory[/name] is a unisex name that I find childish and I don’t think it goes well with [name]Gerard[/name] (too many r’s). [name]Harris[/name] [name]Gerard[/name] is heavy on the r’s too so that leaves three names still standing…