For Naming One's Baby After a Mermaid

The names belonging to some of the Oceanids, or daughters of ‘Ocean’ found in the ancient Greek paigan religion. They are spiritual beings, most being in association with the ocean. Mermaids are a type of Oceanid seen only later in Greek history, and linked to the bible through the evil god “Dagon” in the Book of Samuel (mermaids not being always evil, but still a many are, though weekend lots through the Christian tradition)… None of these such names are inherintly evil. Feel free to use the names with accents, it is a homage to mermaids (archaic spirits).

Admete : ‘The Unbroken, Unwedded, Untamed’
Adrasteia : “Inescapable” and/or “Not Running Away”
Aethra : ‘Bright Sky’
Aetna : “I Burn” "Fiery One”
Akastê or Akeste : “Unstable” or “Irregular”
Amaltheia : “Tender Goddess”
Amphirô or Amphirho : May probably mean “Surrounding-river”
Amphitríte or Amphitrite : “Surrounding Sea” “The Third Element; The Sea”
Argia : “Bright, Shining”
Asia : “Sunrise”
Asterodia : “Star”
Asterope or Asterope : ‘Lightning’
Beróe or Beroe : ‘Iron’
Callirrhoe : ‘Beautiful Flow’ or ‘Beautiful Stream’
Cerceis : “Of The Weaving Shuttle” or “Gorgeous in Form”
Ceto : ‘Sea Monster’ or ‘Whale’
Clytie : “Lovely One”
Coryphe : ‘The Leader of The Chorus’ or “Summit; Peak”
Daeira : “Knowing One”
Diṓnē or Dione : ‘Divine One’
Dodone : “Goodness”
Doris : “Bounty”
Elektra or Electra : “Amber”
Ephyra : “Fiery” or Christian Brazilian “Daughter of Oceanus”
Eudora - : ‘Early’ or ‘Leading’ or ‘She of Good Gifts’
Eurṓpē or Europa : “Wide Face (Eye Setting)”
Eurynome - : “Broad Pasture”
Galaxaurê or Galaxaura : “Like The Refreshing Coolness of a Shady Stream”
Hesione : “Knowing”
Hestyaea : “Hearth, Fireside”
Hippô or Hippo : ‘Horse’ or ‘Like a Swift Current’
Iakhê or Iache : ‘Cry, Shout, Shriek’
Ianeira : ‘Lady of The Ionians’
Ianthê or Ianthe : “She Who Delights”, or probably ‘Heat’ or ‘Violet’.
Ida : ‘Wooded Mountain’
Idyîa or Idyia : “The Fair-Faced” or “The Knowing One”
Kalypso or Calypso : ‘She Who Conceals’ or ‘Like the Hidden Tide’
Kamarina or Camarina : Spirit of the fountain (water supply) in Kamarina, Sicily
Kapheira or Capheira : “Stormy-Breath”
Khryseís or Chryseis : “Golden, Gold, Something Dear or Precious”
Kleiṓ, Clio, or Cleio : “Made Famous” or “To Make Famous”
Kluméne or Clymene : ‘Fame’
Leucippe : ‘White Horse’
Libya : “The Heart of The Sea”
Lyris : “Lyre (musical instrument)”
Melia : “Ash Tree”
Meliboea : “Honey-Sweet” “Cow”
Melitê or Melite : ‘Calm, Honey Sweet’ or ‘Glorious, Splendid’
Mêlobosis or Melobosis : ‘Sheep-Feeder’
Menesthô or Menestho : “Swift Force”
Menippê or Menippe : ‘The Courageous Mare’ or ‘Sipper’
Merope : “With Face Turned”; alternatively “Bee-Eater Bird”
Mêtis or Metis : ‘Wisdom’, ‘Skill’, or ‘Craft’
Neaera : “Newly Risen (referring to the sun)”
Nemesis : “To Give What is Due”
Ocyrhoe : May refer to ‘Speed and Mobility’
Ouranía or Urania : ‘Heavenly’
Pasiphaë : “Wide-Shining”
Pasithoê or Pasithoe : “All-Swift”
Peithō or Peitho : ‘Persuasion’ or ‘Winning Eloquence’
Periboea : “Surrounded by Cattle”
Perse : “Stone”
Petraiê or Petraea : ‘Of a Rock’
Phainô or Phaeno : ‘Appear, Reveal, Shine’
Philyra : ‘Linden-Tree’
Pleione : “To Increase in Number”
Plêxaurê or Plexaure : ‘Whipping Wind’
Plouto : ‘Wealth’
Polydora : ‘Many-Gifts’ or ‘The Shapely’
Polyphe : “Of Much Thought”
Poluxṓ or Polyxo : “Many Foreigners”
Prymnô or Prymno : ‘Undermost, Root’
Rhodos or Rhode : “Daughter of Poseidon” “Spirit of The Island of Rhodes”
Rhodope : “Rosy-Faced, Rosy”
Stílbē or Stilbe : “To Glitter, Gleam”
Styx : “Hatred”
Telesto : ‘Success’
Thoê or Thoe : ‘Quick, Nimble’ or ‘The Runner’
Thráki or Thrace : “Spirit of a Land named Thrace; Strong Warriors are of”
Túkhē or Tyche : ‘Luck’
Xanthê or Xanthe : ‘Blond-Haired’
Zeuxo : ‘Yoke’ or ‘Cart’


This is such a beautiful list, thank you for sharing it! I love [name_f]Eudora[/name_f], and Hesione is so interesting!

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What a stunning list! Aethra, Akeste, [name_f]Electra[/name_f], [name_f]Ianthe[/name_f], [name_u]Calypso[/name_u], [name_f]Melia[/name_f], and [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] are my favorites!

[name_f]Nemesis[/name_f] would also be so cool, if not for the [name_f]English[/name_f] word :sob:

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You’re [name_f]Welcome[/name_f]

[name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] and [name_f]Ianthe[/name_f] are firm favourites of mine :purple_heart: Great list!

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[name_f]Nemesis[/name_f] can be a positive name. Like how hatred can be too, in such as “God hates evil…”

For help pronouncing these names use YouTube or Google:
[How To Pronounce ADMETE - YouTube]

Also, this video gives examples of Greek pronunciation of names:

Links for more info:
Mermaid Names
Oceanid Names
Name Meaning

I adore the meaning of Galaxaura - ‘Like The Refreshing Coolness of a [name_m]Shady[/name_m] Stream’ - so beautiful!

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