Found a name...Just need feedback!

[name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jaymes[/name]

Heard this name (first name anyways) on a TV show when a mother to be was listing off names she was considering.
Instantly fell in love! My daughters name is [name]Rorie[/name] and I think the two make a good sib set. [name]Both[/name] have the -ie ending which I love and both are traditionally,but not overtly,male names. I also love that this name has the added bonus of so many ultra feminine nn like [name]Elle[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Ellie[/name] etc.The middle name is one that I have always loved for a girl and I just love the flow!

Would love some feedback!

[name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jaymes[/name] sounds seriously masculine to me, if I hadn’t known you were expecting a girl I’d have assumed you were looking for feedback on a name for a baby boy.
[name]Ellerie[/name] sounds made up, which in my book isn’t a good thing. [name]Valerie[/name] or [name]Mallory[/name] are similar alternatives that come to mind. Also, if you really like the nn [name]Elle[/name]/[name]Ellie[/name] etc you could always go for [name]Eleanor[/name].
I don’t agree with giving girls male middle names unless its honoring someone special. The spelling [name]Jaymes[/name] doesn’t feminize it in the slightest, just makes it look more trendy.
If you really love [name]James[/name], why not [name]Jane[/name]? Its a legit female name with a legit spelling.
Sorry I can’t be more positive, but I tried to be constructive. Seems we have very different tastes!
If I were you, I’d go with [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Jane[/name], nn [name]Elle[/name]/[name]Ellie[/name].
Best of luck.

I don’t mind the name [name]Ellerie[/name] but I would give her a middle name more feminine :slight_smile:

I have mixed feeling about Ellerie Jaymes. Since I’ve never heard the name Ellerie, I don’t associate it with male or female, therefore, i think it sounds perfectly fine as a girls name. If I was just hearing it in the store or whatever, I’d assume it came out of the same catagory as Mallory, Emily, Avery, Everly, etc… it just sounds like another -ee ending.

Jaymes though…I agree with luckykate219. I don’t like giving girls names that are obviously masculine. So I don’t like the Jaymes. If you want to use it, go for it because you aren’t going to be going around introducing your daughter like this "This is my daughter Ellerie Jaymes. " I do know there have been a lot of girls with the middle name James (I found it by doing a little bit of research) and there is a female model named James King…

I will also suggest some female variations of James though:


All in all, she’s your daughter. If you love it, do it. It’s not like everyone is going be like it and it’s not like everyone is going to hear it anyway. Just go with you heart. :slight_smile:

I agree with lucykate219 it sounds very masculine. If I heard it without knowing I would have went straight to boy. What about [name]Elora[/name] asan alternative? and [name]Jane[/name] or [name]Jade[/name] as the MN, they sounds so much a like but they are more girly.

It is not my style, but I don’t dislike [name]Ellerie[/name]. I would use a feminine middle. I actually think it is a great match wiith [name]Rory[/name].

Apparently [name]Ellery[/name] is a male name derived from [name]Hillary[/name]. It’s not my style but I have no problem with it on a girl.

I like [name]Ellerie[/name] on a girl just fine - I agree especially if the nn’s are going to be heavily used b/c they are feminine. If I heard [name]Ellerie[/name] I would actually assume girl - although I wouldn’t be shocked by it on a boy, especially spelled [name]Ellery[/name]. As for the middle, I have no concern as it’s the middle. I do think you might save her a few headache to spell it [name]James[/name]. It’s not like we go around having to spell our middle names much, so again, no huge deal, but she will have to always spell it or say “with a y”, whereas if it’s [name]James[/name], then ppl may get it right first try more often (though she probably will deal with ppl hearing [name]Jane[/name] from time to time).

The only thing I’d say be aware of is you are kind of creating a pattern for future kids, especially future girls - to go with a somewhat unisex name, that not only ends in -ee sound, but in ree. I don’t think [name]Rorie[/name] and [name]Ellerie[/name] are at all too close to use together, but just be sure if #3 comes you have another -ree name, OR that you don’t mind breaking the pattern.

All best!

Is this for a girl or a boy?? I can’t tell. I take it from the nn possibilities that this is for a girl, but it’s definitely not self-explanatory from the given name.

A note on [name]James[/name] for girls. I have a sister whose middle name is [name]Jaimes[/name]. My parents used it because they really wanted to name a child after my grandfather and when they got to the fourth girl, they gave up on ever producing a son and named my sister [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Jaimes[/name]. She has always hated it. The I is just confusing; and everyone tries to guess some form of [name]Jaymee[/name]. She always has to tell them it’s [name]James[/name], which is embarrassing, and then she gets, “Isn’t that a boy name?” which makes it worse. The name sounds like [name]James[/name] and that’s a decidedly masculine name, and adding/changing letters really does not alter that. In her case, at least a straightforward [name]James[/name] would have been clearly interpreted as some kind of family name. I think with a spelling [name]Jaymes[/name] you’re still going to get it pronounced as [name]Jaymee[/name], with all kinds of other confusion. My sister sometimes uses [name]Jane[/name] as a middle, which may be boring but sounds similar, is far less confusing and is definitely feminine. We’re not talking a super-girly-girl here, either.

Anyway, my opinion is that if you decide to use a unisex first name, it should be followed by a definitive middle name.

I hear [name]Ellerie[/name] and I automatically think Celery

There is a male name [name]Ellery[/name]. The most famous [name]Ellery[/name] was a male TV detective called [name]Ellery[/name] [name]Queen[/name] , a show that ran in the 1970’s. There is also a Welsh female name spelled [name]Eleri[/name]. I don’t mind [name]Ellery[/name] on a girl but I do prefer it spelled in a legitimate way ([name]Ellerie[/name] just looks like someone wanted to “feminize” the name). I would advise you to choose [name]Ellery[/name] [name]Jane[/name] for your daughter and pass on the trendy [name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jaymes[/name] (two incorrect spellings).

Well, I guess you did ask for honest feedback. ouch. [name]Even[/name] though it was before my time I instantly thought of [name]Ellery[/name] [name]Queen[/name]. Still, I think it works as a girl’s name just fine–it’s not a terribly common name. Also for that reason, I think you should/could spell it with an “-ie” or a “-y.” As for the middle name, if the name doesn’t have any strong meaning to you (just a name you like rather than a family name, homage, or perfect meaning), on that I would agree with those who recommended a more feminine name. HR & admissions directors and educators will thank you for the head’s up. Also, I have several friends with unisex or historically masculine names and they get really tired of “Isn’t that a boy’s name?” or [worse] “Oh, your parents really wanted a boy, eh?”

As the parent of a girl named [name]Rory[/name], I don’t object to [name]Ellerie[/name]'s unisex quality especially as a companion for sister [name]Rorie[/name], but on another basis. I think the name [name]Rorie[/name]/[name]Rory[/name] is so much more distinctive than [name]Ellerie[/name], given the vast numbers of little girls named [name]Ella[/name], [name]Eleanor[/name], [name]Elena[/name] etc and called [name]Ellie[/name] these days. [name]Ellerie[/name] kind of reminds me of [name]Emery[/name] (or Emmerie) in that it’s NOT [name]Emily[/name] or [name]Emma[/name], but is close enough that you’re going to get tremendous overlap. So I think you could do better in terms of finding a match for [name]Rorie[/name] in style.

I also disagree with many of the posters on [name]James[/name] as a middle name for a girl – I think that can work fine, as is and not as [name]Jaymes[/name], especially if it’s in honor of someone. I actually don’t think [name]Ellerie[/name] sounds particularly masculine but [name]James[/name] pushes it in that direction; if your daughter’s name was [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]James[/name], for instance, no one would ever think she was a he, they would just think she had a family name as a middle.

[name]Ellerie[/name] and all the nicknames are simply adorable, but with [name]Jaymes[/name] it just sounds like a boy. I can’t imagine a baby girl having a middle name like [name]James[/name], no matter the spelling.

With the spelling changed to [name]Ellary[/name] [name]James[/name] i am all for it! I for one think [name]Ellary[/name] is a great name!

If you’re open for other suggestions, you could use [name]Eloise[/name] (my little gals name), [name]Ellison[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Eliana[/name], [name]Emery[/name], [name]Kelly[/name].

xo [name]Viv[/name]

I immensely dislike it. [name]Eleri[/name] is a legit feminine name, pronounced slightly different, but at least feminine. I also agree that [name]Ellerie[/name] reminds me of Celery.

As for [name]Jaymes[/name] - No. My Fiance is [name]James[/name], my sons middle name is [name]James[/name] and half the male people on my fathers side has [name]James[/name] in their name. I fail to see how this could be remotely feminine or cute. [name]Jane[/name] is a nice alternative and so would [name]Jamie[/name], if you must (even though that IS my pet name for my fiance).

Yeah, [name]Jaymes[/name] makes it too masculine. [name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jane[/name] would be better.

I do not like the [name]Jaymes[/name]. [name]Ellerie[/name] is workable, but not with [name]Jaymes[/name] in my opinion.
What about [name]Jayne[/name]?

[name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jayne[/name]
[name]Ellerie[/name] [name]Jayde[/name]

Same feel but with female middle names.
Gillary is another name that has the same sound. I know a woman with that name. I’ve always loved it and as a kid her name reminded me of Jewelry, which made me love it even more.

I think [name]Ellerie[/name] is adorable and I like [name]James[/name] (this spelling) as a MN for a girl, but I’m not in love with them together. That being said, I know a [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Ashton[/name] who is a beauty queen and will most likely be Miss [name]America[/name] some day. [name]Both[/name] of her names are originally male. It doesn’t seem to hinder her any. If you love the name, use it! I think it goes great with [name]Rorie[/name]. I am also a lover of unisex/traditionally male names for girls as you can see in my signature. [name]Don[/name]'t be discouraged by all the negativity you’re getting on NB. In my personal experience, most name nerds are pretty hard core about not crossing the gender line and seem to take it personally for some reason. In the end, this is YOUR child. Name her what you love. Good luck!

i dont really like [name]Ellerie[/name] as a [name]Rorie[/name] sister name… i guess to me ellerie is a lot ‘prettier’ than rorie (but sounds made up)

if rorie has a little sis id choose sth that is completely different in sound and also does not compete: random suggestions to illustrate: marlo, paige, wren, katie, maggie, bryn, thea