
Recently I’ve been thinking about the name [name]Fraser[/name]. What do you Berries think of it? [name]How[/name] do you picture a boy/man named [name]Fraser[/name]? I like the strong sound and how it reminds me of [name]Christmas[/name] trees. Thanks!

EDIT: I should add that I’m not at all familiar with Frasier, so any feedback you can give on whether that is a strong/weak, good/bad association would be great!

I couldn’t help but think of [name]Frasier[/name] [name]Crane[/name] (from [name]Frasier[/name])! Although I know [name]Fraser[/name] and [name]Frasier[/name] are different names. To me, [name]Fraser[/name] is a surname name, which I don’t usually like. I’d picture [name]Fraser[/name] as a tall, bearded man wearing a [name]Christmas[/name] jumper!

I knew a [name]Fraser[/name] in college (16 -18 year olds). He was tall with red hair, not one of the trouble making set either.

Really? You’ve never seen [name]Frasier[/name]? It was a great show! Anyway, the character [name]Frasier[/name] was very intelligent and snobbish, almost to the point of being pompous, but in a good way, if that’s possible! You should do yourself a favour and hire the DVDs :slight_smile:

I like the name [name]Fraser[/name]; it’s fairly uncommon, yet still recognizable as a name. I’ve known a couple of Frasers and they’ve all been nice guys, so maybe that’s why I like it! Also, [name]Fraser[/name] Fir trees are beautiful - my mother’s favourite choice for her [name]Christmas[/name] tree - so maybe that’s why a poster above thought of a [name]Christmas[/name] jumper. :slight_smile:

I actually like it. [name]Unique[/name] but still ‘normal’. I picture a [name]Fraser[/name] to be quiet but confident, someone who’s involved in all kinds of activities and does well in all of them.

Thanks for all the feedback so far! It’s nice to hear that people have met other Frasers and the name seemed to work well! The name has a very different sound to it, which I love, but that also makes it quite daring and I’m not sure if I would ever be brave enough to use it. It reminds me of [name]Marcel[/name] in that way. Any other comments/thoughts? :slight_smile:

I love [name]Fraser[/name] and don’t associate it with [name]Frasier[/name] at all. [name]Fraser[/name] is cute and quirky and I think it works well on a boy of all ages.

Yay, I’m glad to see that [name]Fraser[/name] is getting some positive feedback! Anyone else? :slight_smile:

I like [name]Fraser[/name]! (my cousins name) I do like [name]Frazer[/name] slightly better though.

I know a very lovely [name]Fraser[/name] [name]Grey[/name] …tall, dark and sporty…it’s an uncommon name with a bit of gravitas.