Full name for Rory?

I am curious if anyone knows of a full name for [name]Rory[/name]. All I can think of is [name]Aurora[/name], a name I have never been a fan of. There is also [name]Aurelia[/name] and [name]Lorelai[/name] ([name]Gilmore[/name] Girls!) but I don’t think I really want to use those. Any other ideas?

Well, if [name]Lorelai[/name] “[name]Rory[/name]” works, maybe anything containing the “or” sound will?

Names that start with “[name]Ro[/name]” might work, too:

Or, you could use the R.R initials…

Sorry, they’re all stretches…

It’s ok, I figured it might be a stretch to find a different full name. Thank you for your suggestions :slight_smile:

As a huge fan of [name]Gilmore[/name] Girls, I love the [name]Lorelei[/name]/ [name]Rory[/name] combination. I don’t like the name [name]Aurora[/name] very much, and I think that if you want to use the name [name]Rory[/name], why not just name your daughter [name]Rory[/name]? It’s cute on a kid, but strong enough for an adult. But, if you want to use it as a nickname, how about Roralee? I’m not sure if it’s an ‘actual’ name, but it is the name of one of my coworkers. She goes by her full name in the office, but her friends and family call her [name]Rory[/name]. It’s a unique option if you want to go with a full name.
But, if you’re picking a name just to get to a nickname, why not just use the nickname? If I were you, I’d go with [name]Rory[/name].

[name]How[/name] about [name]Victoria[/name]? I know a couple that go by [name]Tori[/name]; it’s not much of a stretch to get to [name]Rory[/name].

I hadn’t thought of [name]Victoria[/name]! That is a name that I think is very pretty, but I dislike all the nns for it… except for [name]Rory[/name] :slight_smile:

Oh yes, I very much like the pp’s suggestion of [name]Victoria[/name]! I too like [name]Victoria[/name], but dislike all the nicknames. I think [name]Rory[/name] is very plausible, and I’ve seen other posters mention “[name]Plum[/name]” as a nickname (apparently there is a [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Plum[/name]), which I think is absolutely adorable.