Lately I’ve been finding the nn [name]Mallie[/name] (to rhyme with [name]Allie[/name] or [name]Hallie[/name]) really adorable and sweet. What would you use as a full name? All I can really think of are [name]Mallory[/name] and Malikah, and while I think they’re lovely names, they’re not really my style…
I think [name]Mallie[/name] is so cute, thats what we plan on nicknaming [name]Malin[/name] (If she’s a girl! Otherwise [name]Tyne[/name] will find it a weird nickname lol…)
I would possibly use it as a full name if it works well with the last name
[name]Mahala[/name] / [name]Mahalia[/name]
Amalthea (Meaning, origin and history of the name Amalthea - Behind the Name)
Behind the Name has [name]Malle[/name] listed as a medieval diminuitive for [name]Mary[/name], so perhaps you could stretch a bit and get [name]Mallie[/name] from something like [name]Marigold[/name] or one of [name]Mary[/name]'s many variants?
I know a [name]Mallie[/name] and that is her given name. The only ones I can think of are stretches but here they are.
[name]Ah[/name] yes, my name and nickname. lol
[name]Malachi[/name], but that’s male.
Ahh, and you want to change your name why? lol. [name]Mallie[/name]'s adorable! I think [name]Mallie[/name] suits you really well, too. [name]Do[/name] you dislike [name]Mallie[/name]?
I do really like [name]Malia[/name], I’ve loved it ever since I heard it on [name]Obama[/name]'s daughter during his first campaign. Funny enough, I don’t really associate it with the Obamas, though–my MN is [name]Marie[/name], and [name]Malia[/name] is the Hawaiian form of [name]Maria[/name], so I always thought that would be a cool connection. So far I think [name]Malia[/name] and [name]Malin[/name] are my favorite ways to get to it…
- [name]Amalia[/name]
- [name]Amabel[/name]
- [name]Marilla[/name]
More of a stretch:
[name]Magali[/name] or Magaly
Here’s some [name]Mal[/name]- names for you:
Maly – same sound you want and is a legit name meaning “blossom”
Like any of those?
I do a bit, yeah. It’s too uninteresting to me. And I dislike the [name]Mal[/name]- beaucse it means bad in so many languages. Which is another nickname of mine, [name]Mal[/name], [name]Mallie[/name], [name]Mallie[/name] [name]Allie[/name] [name]Cat[/name] etc.
I really like [name]Malia[/name] too, I think it’s a great idea for your top girls names! I like [name]Malin[/name] too, it reminds me of [name]Maren[/name] which is honoring of your mom.
I would totally avoid [name]Malia[/name] if I were you, its the party capital of the Greek islands, I’d liken it to Cancun or somewhere similar. All night bars, cheap alcohol, that sort of thing.
I love the nickname [name]Mallie[/name], though. [name]Malin[/name] would be a good full name, or maybe Malana?
[name]Malina[/name], [name]Malvina[/name], [name]Matilda[/name] (this is definitely a stretch), [name]Malaya[/name], Maleka (love this), Malainia.
[name]Love[/name] [name]Marilla[/name]! I met one in college and I just thought it was so cool! [name]Do[/name] you think [name]Marilla[/name] nn [name]Mallie[/name] is too much of a stretch? I also like [name]Mari[/name], [name]Ari[/name], and [name]Rilla[/name] for it…
[name]Madeleine[/name]? Seems to match your style, and I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch.
My name’s [name]Anne[/name] and my sis calls me ‘Zinnie’…so no, I don’t think [name]Marilla[/name] nn [name]Mallie[/name] is too much of a stretch More reasonably, the ‘ma’ of [name]Marilla[/name] and [name]Mallie[/name] have the same vowel in my accent, so with the strong ll sound there I think [name]Mallie[/name] is a very natural nickname for [name]Marilla[/name]. I like the idea of calling a toddler or gradeschooler [name]Mallie[/name], and letting her find [name]Rilla[/name] on her own as a teen…
Maybe [name]Marlena[/name] could work, although it doesn’t seem to match your style, to me anyway. Also thought of [name]Marcella[/name]. It may be a little stretch for either name but I don’t think anyone would really question it.
[name]Malvina[/name] is one of my favorite names! I also really love [name]Emmaline[/name]. Also: [name]Amalia[/name], [name]Amalida[/name], [name]Amalie[/name], [name]Carmalita[/name], [name]Malita[/name], [name]Malva[/name], and [name]Romala[/name]…
I also like [name]Romala[/name] because she could be [name]Mallie[/name] when she was little and grow into [name]Ro[/name].
I like Malia and Malin, as well. Camila might work. I know someone who just had a little girl named Malachite Grace yesterday. That could work as a fn if you like boy names on girls and/or word names. (I personally really like Malachi for a boy, so I’m not the biggest fan. But it might be your style.)
I think [name]Malia[/name] is actually the Hawaiian form of [name]Mary[/name], and it means “queen” in Swahili. I doubt our brilliant Prez would name his daughter after the Greek Cancun.
I don’t think he named his daughter after the Greek Cancun, I was just pointing out that [name]Malia[/name] is a very popular area in Greece with many similarities to Cancun. It was certainly the first thing that came to my mind when I saw someone mention [name]Malia[/name]. I thought of the Greek resort before I thought of the Obamas. It was just an observation
Sorry StrawberryShortcake! It’s so close to the election - apparently I’m feeling a bit defensive.
Totally makes sense to mention a negative association, as others may share it.
Also (as I duck and cover), would it be awful to use [name]Malia[/name] if I’m not an [name]Obama[/name] fan? In all honesty, I’m not really a [name]Romney[/name] fan, either, but I just don’t believe that what [name]Obama[/name]'s done has really helped our country much. (Not trying to spark a political debate or step on any toes–I’m just not an [name]Obama[/name] fan–and I was, when he first came on the scene over 4 years ago.)