My husband and I are debating having a third child and our four year old daughter has informed us that if we have another girl, she wants her to be named [name_f]Anna[/name_f]. Now, if we did have a third kid my husband and I would of course make all final naming decisions but because of my daughter’s enthusiasm for the name, I’ve found that lately I’ve grown rather fond of [name_f]Anna[/name_f]. The problem is that it’s a little too simple for my tastes as a full name, so I’m trying to find names that [name_f]Anna[/name_f] could be a nickname for. So far, my favorite is AnnaRose but I’d like a few more options. So any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.
My favorite [name_f]Anna[/name_f] names are [name_f]Susanna[/name_f], [name_f]Joanna[/name_f], and [name_f]Annabeth[/name_f]! All so beautiful. [name_f]Anna[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] is cute - you could also consider [name_f]Rosanna[/name_f] (pronounced [name_f]RoseAnna[/name_f]). If you are looking for a unique name, I would suggest Annaliv (prounced AnnaLeev). Good luck!
Here are a few more ideas…
Abrianna or Aubrianna
Adrianna or Audrianna
Julianna - love!
Lianna or Leanna
Annalee or Annalie
I would personally steer clear from AnnaRose because you already have a [name_f]Georgina[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f]. I think berries have done a good job suggesting a great range of [name_f]Anna[/name_f] names. My favourites are [name_f]Annabel/name_f, [name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] and [name_f]Annabeth[/name_f].
[name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] is easily my favorite long version of [name_f]Anna[/name_f]…followed very closely by [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f] and [name_f]Annabeth[/name_f].
@luneth and aliciamae - [name_f]Georgina[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] and [name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] [name_u]River[/name_u] aren’t the names of my children. Those are just my favorite combos at the moment.