Today my sister did the needle gender prediction, where you dangle a string over your palm and how many times it starts and stops is how many children you will have. If it dangles in circles, it’s a girl and if it dangles in a line its a boy. I’m just curious if anyone else has done this, and if so, was it right?
I’m curious how my stock I should put into the outcome I got.
I did all the old wives tales and tricks for gender prediction. [name]Every[/name] one said boy. We are having a girl. I have learned not only from my case, they are all bogus (but still fun).
I agree. It’s fun, but don’t put too much stock in it. For me, everything said I was having a girl, except the ultrasound. [name]Feel[/name] free to try them, but take it all with a grain of salt.
I didn’t do that particular test, but when I was pregnant my mom and I did the wedding band over the belly one. It spun in a circle and a couple months later I found out I was having a girl. Obviously it’s just an old wives tale, but it’s fun to guess before the ultrasound! That particular wedding band also correctly predicted my gender and my brother’s, so it’s a nice tradition.