[name_m]General[/name_m] thoughts on [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]?
I love, love, love this name and every time I look at it, I love it even more. What do you think of this name? -
[name_m]How[/name_m] important are meanings to you?
Unfortunately, [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] means “blind”. Yes, there are names with worse meanings, but still. Meanings are very important to me, but I’m willing to overlook it somehow because of how much I love it.
Anyway, how much do you care about meanings of the names?
I adore [name_f]Cecily[/name_f], it’s one of my all time favorites. Negative meanings don’t change my mind in the slightest. She will grow older and make the name her own.
Meanings are quite important to me. I love Ismeria, but the etymology is “doubtful”, i.e. it doesn’t really have one, so whereas that wouldn’t rule it out, it gives my other favourites that have lovely meanings, e.g. [name_f]Odelia[/name_f], a significant edge over it.
With [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] and [name_f]Cecilia[/name_f] - well, frankly, it’d probably be in my top ten if it didn’t mean blind. I agree it’s surpassingly sweet and beautiful; I adore the sound, I adore how it looks, I think it’s great fun to say. But I just can’t see myself using a name with such a negative meaning. I might consider it for a middle name if it really worked, but probably not as a fn, at least not unless my attitude radically changes. I just love the idea of being able to say to a future child “your name means ‘pure rose’/‘daughter of Jehovah’/‘merciful’/‘cassia tree’”.
I just wish there was an alternative etymological route! For example, another of my favourites, [name_f]Mariam[/name_f], could derive from [name_f]Mary[/name_f] (“bitter”) but is also a variation of the Arabic [name_f]Maryam[/name_f] (“beloved”).
I love [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] too, and the less often used variant [name_f]Cicely[/name_f] even more. As I see it, a good meaning is a nice bonus, but it’s not a primary concern for me. Generally, name meanings are not widely known and feature very little in everyday life and conversation. The sound and “feel” of a name are so much more important to me.
I think [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] is both sweet and spunky, I love the vibe the name has to it. In general, name meanings to me are a bonus, not something that rules them out for me if it isn’t so great. You have to think that for most people, they simply won’t be aware of the meaning. They’ll just know [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] as your daughter, and that will form their impression.
Sweet [name_f]Cicely[/name_f] is a pretty, aromatic herb. No different really from a name meaning “cassia tree” if you just look at the botanical aspect of it.
I adore [name_f]Cecily[/name_f], and I have since the first time I heard it in 9th grade. It is sweet, energetic and rooted in history.
As far as meanings go, they don’t make me hesitate in the slightest. [name_f]Molly[/name_f] is a strong middle name contender if we ever have a girl, and it means “bitter.” However, if meanings are important to you, you could always pair it with a middle that changes the combo’s meaning. For example, a name that means “love” would give you the meaning “blind love,” which is quite nice.
I don’t think meanings are super important. Chances are, nobody will know what it means. Or, you could go with [name_f]Sicily[/name_f], which sounds the same and is a place name instead. I personally, always think of [name_f]Sicily[/name_f] anyways when I hear the name [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]. I think both are beautiful choices.
My niece is Ceciley [name_f]Jane[/name_f]. Such a sweet name. I have to play mind games with myself if I don’t like the meaning… blind to the faults of others…
I love [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]. I do like to take name meanings into consideration, but one with a meaning like this isn’t necessarily bad or negative. [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] is the patron saint of music and musicians which might negate the “blind” meaning.
I like [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]. Meanings are not that important. I would avoid anything that means something like “lame” or “bad” but [name_f]Mary[/name_f] was the number one name in the western world for centuries and it means “bitter”
I really like [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]. Meanings don’t bother me. Like @katinka said, they don’t really feature in everday life. It’s just not something that’s going to come up often, if ever.
Meanings are what you make of them. Offhand, I can think of a few fairly positive idioms containing the word blind (love is blind, justice is blind, blind luck). Blind can connote not judging things by their surface appearance, a wonderful quality to wish for your child. If you love a name (and [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] is absolutely gorgeous), I think you can find a way to make almost any meaning work.
I think it’s cute, and prefer it over more common [name_f]Cecilia[/name_f]. I like to consider meanings but for a name with history it is less important to me. For a very unusual or modern name meanings are more important, especially word names. [name_m]Even[/name_m] names like [name_u]James[/name_u], very common and popular for centuries, means “supplanter”, not a great meaning.
[name_f]Cecily[/name_f] used to be one of my favourite names, and I still think it’s cute. Meaning personally doesn’t make or break a name for me - if its nice, it’s a bonus, but that’s all.
If it doesn’t bother you specifically, then I wouldn’t worry about it.
Also being blind isn’t really a bad thing. Blind people live lives as full and complex as any seeing person, they just experience them differently
I don’t like the sound of [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] at all, but that’s just a personal opinion. It’s a nice name.
I’m the kind of person that really pays attention to the meaning of names, so even if I liked [name_f]Cecily[/name_f], the meaning would be a deal-breaker for me. However, I don’t actually think there’s anything wrong with using a name with a negative meaning, as most people don’t know or care, whether it’s their own name or someone else’s. I know a woman named [name_f]Mallory[/name_f] that loves her name, and she thinks it’s funny that it means “bad luck.”
Basically, if you usually look at name meanings, and “blind” is making you feel doubtful or becomes the first thing you think about when you hear [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]/[name_f]Cecilia[/name_f], then maybe you’re like me and meanings are too important to be overlooked. If you still love [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] and you find yourself only remembering the meaning every once in a while, I think you could comfortably use it.
Meanings don’t matter to me that much. If I loved [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] I’d choose it despite the meaning. I’ve never liked [name_f]Cecilia[/name_f], [name_f]Celia[/name_f], Ceecee, etc but [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] is nice. It’s by far the best from that “family”.
I love [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]! One of my friends I went to school with was [name_f]Cecily[/name_f], and it was so refreshing to hear. I just loved saying her name. The meaning is a little bit of a drawback, but I think some of the other comments had really great suggestions (like adding more to the ‘blind’ meaning, maybe by a middle name with something that means love and it could be ‘blind love’ with first and middle or something of that sort). If you really like it, don’t let the meaning of the name get to you, it’s lovely =)