I was reading an article about our local areas high school softball teams and I was very surprised to see one of the young ladies in the article was named [name_u]Gentry[/name_u]. It is the first and only time I have ever seen it used on a girl in fact on a person in general. I always assumed it was more for a boy, but now not so much. I actually kind of like it for a girl I think it’s cute.
I can’t really see [name_u]Gentry[/name_u] as a name on either gender, to be honest. Its historical meaning of denoting people of certain social status or wealth makes it feel snobby and pretentious as a name, like you want your child to be upper class (but to be honest using a name like that makes them seem the opposite- socially aspirational in a bad way).
Interesting I didn’t know any of that. It was just unusual for me to see it as whenever I hear it I automatically think of the country duo [name_m]Montgomery[/name_m] [name_u]Gentry[/name_u],which they’re both male.
I really don’t like [name_u]Gentry[/name_u] at all, though I’ve seen it on boys and girls. Maybe it’s because I’m not from the South (I think it’s more common there), but to me it doesn’t have an appealing sound and it sounds horribly presumptuous as it literally means privileged class.
Maybe since I am from the south I don’t really associate it with “aristocracy” as much as it’s very country and wholesome sounding.
I went to high school with a female [name_u]Gentry[/name_u], never even thought twice about it. I think the [name_f]Jen[/name_f] sound works for it being female despite the meaning/origin.
I don’t think it’s a good name for a girl or a boy. Are the next kids going to be called Aristocracy and Bourgeoisie? Not every noun that sounds nice makes for a good name.
I know a family with that last name so have a hard time picturing it as a first
I really really am surprised that this is a name, it is just too strange to me. If you’re going to use a word name, stick to one with a better meaning.
It reminds me of Southern Gospel music. However I think it’s usable and could possibly lead to nn [name_f]Genna[/name_f] ([name_f]Jenna[/name_f]).
Sounds like something [name_u]Kim[/name_u] and [name_m]Kanye[/name_m] would choose.
If you are looking at a word name you should consider it’s meaning - why choose something that has such negative connotations?
[name_u]Gentry[/name_u] is a big no-no for either sex, but especially for a girl. ALthough I do like [name_u]Bobbie[/name_u] [name_u]Gentry[/name_u] songs…