Georgiana pronunciation

[name]Just[/name] a couple of questions:

  1. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce [name]Georgiana[/name] from paper: jor-jay-nuh or jor-gee-ah-na?

  2. Which pronunciation do you prefer?

  3. Which pronunciation do you think sounds better in the name [name]Eve[/name] [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Matthews[/name]?

Thanks [name]Rachel[/name]

  1. Iā€™d say jor-jee-ah-nah, but maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m American. Also, I first heard the name in the [name]Joe[/name] [name]Wright[/name] version of Pride and Prejudice, and thatā€™s how they pronounced it.

  2. The way I say it is my preferred pronunciation. :wink:

  3. Actually, I think [name]Eve[/name] [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Matthews[/name] sounds best with the jor-jay-nah pronunciation! Ha.


PS I love the name, by the way!

Thankyou lemon! I thought that may happenā€¦


  1. I would say jor-jee-ah-na.
  2. I like both equally
  3. hmm I think they both sound okā€¦ maybe jor-jay-nah has a marginally better flowā€¦
  1. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce [name]Georgiana[/name] from paper: jor-jay-nuh or jor-gee-ah-na?: Honestly, I would say jor-gee-ah-na at first glance.

  2. Which pronunciation do you prefer?: Jor-jay-nuh! I love both, but the ā€œBritishā€ pronunciation has seriously won my heart. I think itā€™s gorgeous.

  3. Which pronunciation do you think sounds better in the name [name]Eve[/name] [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Matthews[/name]?: I think jor-jay-nuh, but it does sound a bit strange, if Iā€™m to be honest. I prefer [name]Eve[/name] jor-jay-nuh Matthes, though; it sounds better.

I say it [name]George[/name]-jonna.

  1. I would say Geor-jay-na because I saw ā€˜The Duchesseā€™ and fell in love with the name and thay pronunciation. I would expect almost NO ONE in [name]America[/name] to say it that way initially, though.
  2. I much prefer Geor-jay-na. So much more refined and less unweildy.
  3. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Eve[/name] Geor-jay-na [name]Matthews[/name]. If itā€™s in the middle, you wonā€™t have to deal with pronunciation issues, right?

^ Excuse my typos. Why canā€™t we edit anymore?!

Iā€™m also an A&E Pride and Prejudice watcher, and george-ee-anna is the way I would automatically pronounce it based mostly on that movie! I also have never heard it pronounced the other way, but I live in the U.S.

  1. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce [name]Georgiana[/name] from paper: jor-jay-nuh or jor-gee-ah-na? GEEE all the way.

  2. Which pronunciation do you prefer? GEEE all the way still :slight_smile:

  3. Which pronunciation do you think sounds better in the name [name]Eve[/name] [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Matthews[/name]?
    You could do either but I think it sounds the best if you switched the MN and FN: [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Eve[/name] [name]Matthews[/name] is awesome. And then you could live my dream of having a daughter named [name]Georgie[/name]! So cute. But again either way itā€™s a great name! Iā€™m partial to Georgeeeeana.

  1. Jor-jay-nuh.

  2. Definitely jor-jay-nuh.

  3. Jor-jay-nuh :slight_smile: . And I agree with missyby that it sounds the best if you switch the middle name with the first name. [name]Georgiana[/name] [name]Eve[/name] sounds awesome!


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I know this thread is old, but the topic comes up regularly. Iā€™m currently reading the biography of [name]Georgiana[/name], Duchess of Devonshire (subject of the film, ā€œThe Duchessā€) and it has this to say regarding her name pronunciation: The Cavendish way of doing things stampted itself on all members of the family fromā€¦to the peculiar drawl which marred their speech. They pronounced her name ā€œ[name]George[/name]-ainaā€ (as in rain-a), as opposed to [name]George[/name]-i-ahna. In her eagerness to be accepted [name]Georgiana[/name] adopted all their mannerisms, vigorously applying the Cavendish drawl and insisting that everyone should call her ā€œ[name]George[/name]-ayna.ā€ This was how she became known for the rest of her life. (p.29)

Interesting how a name gets tweaked, no? I still prefer the [name]George[/name]-i-ahna pronunciation.


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